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Diversit Day Buffer

Diversity beyond nationality and age

Tuesday 23 May 2023



Schroder Investment Management (Europe) S.A.

Description of the action
Schroders in Luxembourg are planning several actions this year: 1) Diversity Breakfast on 23 May - inviting employees to bring dishes from the country of origin 2) During breakfast: employee engagement to illustrate on the wall 'what makes me unique' 3) Podcast/video with employees having more than 15 years seniority in the company to talk about what has changes of the past in terms ofinclusion and Diversity 4) Signing Ceremony to become a Diversity Charter Luxembourg member 5) Celebration with all employees on 25 May to be a signatory of the Diversity Charter Luxembourg, including guest speaker from IMS Luxembourg to talk about the Charter to all employees 6) Team photos underpinned with nationality information and languages spoken in the teams that will be features on the communication screens in the office 7) Our Italian branch is planning a 'vegan food tasting' event to foster curiosity