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Network news The European Investment Bank invites you to its online event “Ethnicity matters at the EIB” on March 27 to celebrate diversity and inclusion at the EIB. During the event, you wil...
The Diversity Charter presents the results of the 5th edition of the "Diversity & Business" Barometer Lëtzebuerg. As part of their commitments, signatory organisations are required to report on th...
Network news Marcello Montenero, Business Manager Wholesale COO, HSBC Luxembourg and Pride Lead in Europe, has been recognised as a Future Leader Role Model in the 2024 global list by INvolve - Th...
If you want to take concrete action to promote the professional inclusion of people with disabilities in Luxembourg, develop your network and have a lasting impact on the region:Join our innovative tr...
Network news This workshop will provide all the information you need about the procedures and implications of participating in the "Heures Silencieuses, je m’engage !" project. The project aims to ...
Is your organisation dedicated to inclusion, equity, and diversity? Are you implementing innovative initiatives to foster a more inclusive workplace? Now is the time to gain recognition for your ...
Network news The 42nd Festival des Migrations, des Cultures & de la Citoyenneté will occur on March 15 and 16, 2025, at Luxexpo The Box! The programme includes conferences, debates, and more...
Network news To mark International Women's Day, the Minister for Sport, Georges Mischo, and the Minister for Gender Equality and Diversity, Yuriko Backes, are pleased to invite you to the exh...
Network news Rainbow-Days - which have already been successfully held in many parts of Europe - provide an opportunity for an immediate exchange on career issues and tackle topics relevant to the L...
Network news DSM Avocats à la Cour organise the third edition of the inter-company wheelchair rugby tournament "Les Roues Ovales Luxembourgeoises", which will take place on Friday 24 January 2025 a...
Network news Only a few days left to complete the study on living together in Luxembourg! Who is concerned? → The 13,000 adults arriving in Luxembourg in 2023 Why take part? → Sha...
The questionnaire is now available in German: On International Coming Out Day, the Autonomous Working Group for LGBTQIA+ people inclusion, initiated by the Div...
Network news You are part of the LGBTIQ+ community? You would like to discuss and share your experiences and ideas about being queer in Luxembourg and the border region? Then take part in our...
On International Coming Out Day, the Autonomous Working Group for LGBTQIA+ people inclusion, initiated by the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg and coordinated by Yves Turi, and supported by the ministry f...
Network news Françoise Bisteur, founder of Innobullus, a training organisation in Luxembourg, and a cancer campaigner for the past three years, has set up a series of unique encounters known as ‘B...
Network news We encourage you to take part in an online survey assessing the impact of the European Commission’s diversity and inclusion policies. The survey is open and can be accessed here ...
Network news In response to petition n°3198 entitled ‘Exclude LGBT issues from the education of minors’, the LGBTIQ+ Centre CIGALE is organising a conference-debate to raise awareness of the issue...
Network news Since 2010, the European Commission organises the Access City Award, in collaboration with the European Disability Forum, to reward EU cities that have prioritised accessibility for pe...
Network news The second lecture of 2024 Women Leaders Series will host Prof. Iris Bohnet from Harvard University, an influential behavioral economist, who combines insights from economics and psych...
Network news Alles Normal organizes two days specially dedicated to inclusion "Lëtz Celebrate Inclusion". Programme: Afterwork with DJ Dama – July 12 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm ...
Network news Iron Sparks a.s.b.l organises a sports competition named Iron Showdown. This event brings together valid and disabled athletes. On site, several stands are available as well as a DJ. ...
Network news Women Leaders is a new lecture series promoted by the Gender Equality Office, which stems from the ADVANCE Mentoring program to enhance networking opportunities. This event is organise...
On Tuesday May 14, 2024, Diversity Day celebrated its 10th anniversary! This national day is a privileged opportunity for organisations to take concrete action for greater equity and inclusion in the ...
Organised each year during the month of May by the European Commission with the support from the Diversity Charters, the European Diversity Month raises awareness about the importance of diversity and...
ING and the City of Luxembourg are proud to announce the second edition of the Luxembourg Pride Run. The start of the race, which can be run (5/10 km) or walked (5 km), will be on Thursday 11 July at ...
This year’s European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award Ceremony and the opening event of European Diversity Month 2024 will take place online or on-site in Brussels from 13:00 CET on 25 A...
Following the success of the first edition in December 2022, Rosa Lëtzebuerg asbl is excited to announce that there will be another Rainbow Charity Night this year! Save the date for April 27...
CNFL - Conseil national des Femmes du Luxembourg - is organising several events to mark International Women's Day Round table: to mark the launch of the "Femmes élues dans les communes" network,...
Interculturality for Impact Ideas, resources, methods & activities for intercultural learning Intended for professionals working in the fields of interculturality, inclusion and n...
IMS announces the launch of the European Diversity Barometer. This 24-month project initiated by IMS began with ten European partner charters. This platform will enable all signatory companies to trac...
We are happy to announce that Commissioner Dalli launched the third edition of the European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award on 6 December 2023. This award is one of the deliverables of the E...
As part of the 41st Festival des Migrations, des Cultures et de la Citoyenneté and its ARTSMANIF section, CLAE has chosen to showcase some portraits of workers in Luxembourg, through a new creative re...
On Wednesday and Thursday 22 and 23 November 2023, take part in the conference on queer life in the Grande Région, an overview of the queer history of the 20th and 21st centuries. Located at the ...
The Department of Integration has launched a call for projects entitled "Promoting intercultural living together", aimed at funding projects that promote intercultural living together in the Grand Duc...
Network news THE QUATTROPOLE NETWORK OF CITIES IS ORGANISING ITS VERY FIRST HACKATHON ON 1 AND 2 DECEMBER 2023! Taking place simultaneously in four cities via a continuous stre...
Handicap International Luxembourg has launched a campaign to promote the professional inclusion of people with disabilities in May 2023, on the occasion of Labour Day. The aim of the campaign is to ch...
October 5, as part of its LGBTIQ+ inter-company events, ING is delighted to be hosting this new edition of Walk the Talk, which will focus on the inclusion of transgender people in the workplace. T...
The 5th Diversity Awards ceremony took place on Thursday, 28 September. Held every two years, this event highlights the best national practices in favour of diversity. Four organisations received ...
October 1 is World Day of Older Persons, and to mark the occasion GERO is organising an event entitled "Perceptions of Age". Perceptions of age will be the focus of a film and photo exhibition on Tues...
Black History Month is a time dedicated to celebrating, recognizing and commemorating the history, culture, achievements and contributions of black people around the world. It is an opportunity to hig...
Mobbing asbl invites you to a special conference: "Harcèlement au Grand-Duché, évolution et actualités". Mobbing asbl takes stock of 20 years of ministerial agreement! Doors op...
The law of 23 August 2023 on intercultural coexistence provides for the establishment of a municipal committee responsible for the intercultural coexistence of all persons living and working in the mu...
LEQGF is back in session: The non-binary gender survey: practical implementations & challenges of gender diversity in everyday digital life 2pm: Expert Training (in German) Digit...
DoYourThing is organising this event on 8 September: register Every challenge, every crisis, every conflict has demonstrated just how interconnected we are – as people, communities and the...
Applications for the Access City Award competition are open until 18 September 2023. This European award recognizes cities which have undertaken outstanding work to become more accessible for persons ...
LSRS is organising a "Trust and Society" conference on 19 and 20 July 2023, inviting all members of the public to join in the interdisciplinary conversation on the theme of trust. Guests of hono...
IMS Luxembourg presents the guide "Neurodiversity: understanding neurodivergence in the Workplace". Why this theme? We hear and use more and more terms such as ADHD (Attention...
The 3 Novotel hotels in Luxembourg are pleased to invite you to their Diversity and Inclusion Day. The Accor’s values are welcoming, accepting, valuing differences and promoting a culture of inclus...
The WorkAble campaign run by the Ministry of Labour, EMployment and the Social Economy aims to raise employers' awareness of disability in the workplace and to highlight the positive influence of disa...
As part of Respect Month and World Refugee Day 2023, Alter & Ego asbl is organising several activities for the City of Dudelange - Equal Opportunities Department in collaboration with the Cen...
The Shopping Center Cloche d'Or is introducing "silent hours" to provide a more peaceful environment for autistic and hypersensitive people. Every Tuesday from 4pm to 5pm and every Thursday from 3p...
In the current business world, with the introduction of equality, diversity and inclusion policies, companies are putting more and more attention to neurodivergent group of employees. Health experts a...
73% of the signatories of the Diversity Charter observe an improvement in their image and reputation thanks to their diversity policy (Barometer Diversity & Business Lëtzebuerg 2021). Diversity manage...
We are Priscilia and Gabriela, Project Managers of the Diversity Charter. Diversity allows us to benefit from the richness everyone brings to the workplace. It promises a competitive advantage to the ...
The new provisions of the Labour Code on the protection of employees against moral harassment were recently published in the Official Journal. You can find the full text here. The new chap...
IMS Luxembourg is launching Handi-Diag, a tool to evaluate the place of disability in companies. It has been developed in partnership with the Ministry of Family, Integration and the Greater Region, t...
Luxembourg Pride is an event organised by the LGBTIQ+ community for all people who identify as LGBTIQ+ or who support them. It welcomes all companies and institutions that wish to improve their LGBTIQ...
Our event on 28 April 2023 kicks off this year’s European Diversity Month. Join Commissioner Dalli and representatives from the world of business and civil society as we explore how to build ...
On International Women’s Day, the Luxembourg Women in Finance Charter was launched with 69 signatories, which include the country’s leading financial services firms, to improve gender diversity in the...
On February 22, 2023, Minister of Equality between Women and Men Taina Bofferding and Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Economy Georges Engel presented the new brochure "Gender Equality - a st...
In France, there are 12 million people with disabilities, i.e. 1 in 6 people, and 80% of disabilities are invisible and often unknown to employers, i.e. nearly 9.5 million French people! Behind the in...
The Ministry of Family, Integration and the Greater Region has launched the national awareness campaign "I can vote" to inform non-Luxembourg residents that they can participate in the next communal e...
The Diversity Awards, organised every two years since 2015 by IMS as part of its Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg project, highlight good practices in diversity management in 4 distinct categories. ...
IMS has been working on the issues of inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people in the workplace since 2017. First via awareness-raising meetings and then by creating the guide Inclusion of LGBTI people in the wor...
To kick off 2023, the Diversity Charter invites you to participate in the presentation of this year programme and the Diversity Day preparation workshop. This event will start with a prese...
IMS Luxembourg in collaboration with Rosa Letzebuerg, PwC, Schroders and HSBC, RBC and JPM would like to organize an LGBTIQ+ networking event. The aim is to group companies already engaged in ...
Everyone on the catwalk! For the Weekend Dance, the legendary Vinii Revlon and his house music are back at the Centre Pompidou-Metz. Come and learn about the culture of the ballroom scene and voguing....
The Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region has just launched the virtual platform, which aims to provide quick access to information on daily life in Luxembourg and ...
Register now for free and secure your spot for the 21 virtual sessions in programme, including 3 high-level plenaries and 18 European SDG Roundtables. The event will involve +100 C-level speakers, inc...
"Ladies and Gentlemen"? "Dear all"? How do you write a text that is both inclusive and readable? Many people would like to use more inclusive language, but often one is confro...
In collaboration with the Department of Integration of the Ministry of Integration, Family and the Greater Region, IMS has published a report that identifies existing initiatives and training in th...
Take part in the conferences organised by the University of Luxembourg on the occasion of its inclusion month: ...
Unfortunately, after two years in which Luxembourg Pride could not take place in its usual form, the Pride will return to its traditional format this year. As an official project of the Es...
HSBC Pride Luxembourg as part of HSBC Continental Pride Europe is excited to invite and bring you all together to this event. It will be a great opportunity to celebrate HSBC 24 Hours of Pride. ...
Proud to welcome 21 new signatory organisations and to bring together 251 organisations committed to diversity and inclusion, the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg celebrated 10 years of commitment on 18 M...
Join us online on 29 April for the opening event of this year’s European Diversity Month. This year’s theme is ‘Building bridges’. We’ll be exploring how organisations from dif...
It’s time to find out which European towns, cities or regions are winners of the first edition of the European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award. Join us online on 28 April to ‘meet’ ...
Den DemokratieLabo is a multilingual interactive exhibition designed by the ZpB. Like a real laboratory, it is a space for experimentation, discovery and analysis. The object of observation i...
The Luxembourg Pride, organised by Rosa Lëtzebuerg asbl, is the biggest LGBTIQ+ event in Luxembourg to celebrate diversity and inclusion and forthe 2022 edition, the Luxembourg Pride is an official pa...
This year, the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter celebrates its 10th anniversary! Ten years that companies have been committing themselves by signing the Charter, by implementing actions and good practices...
Wellbeing at work is organising a webinar on 16 March: Sudden and intense telework since the Covid pandemic has turned women's lives upside down: a workload combined with more domestic tasks to man...
IMS unveils a new tool for evaluating your practices on the subject of disability: the handi-welcoming checklist. The tool was created thanks to a working group composed of committed employers and ...
Following the publication of the Best Practices Guide for the Inclusion of LGBTI in the workplace last year, IMS Luxembourg presents its new guide for the Inclusion of transgender persons in the workp...
The Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg, supported by IMS Luxembourg - Inspiring More Sustainability - in collaboration with the Ministry for Family, Integration, and the Greater Region, as well as LISER, pr...
The European Commission, together with Commissioner Dalli, launched the European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award on 22 November 2021. This award is a result of the EU Action Plan against Rac...
During the 11th official signing session, organised on 30 September 2021 at HSBC and chaired by the Minister for Family, Integration and the Greater Region, sponsor of the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter...
IMS unveils the new structure of the national Charter Proud to welcome 26 new signatories and gather more than 230 organisations committed to diversity and inclusion, the national Charter ...
The Centre Pompidou in Metz invites you: Learn about the culture of the ballroom scene and voguing with the first Voguing legend Vinii Revlon! He will be accompanied by members of his House: The...
Among their commitments, signatories must, once every two years, report on their practices in the field of diversity management by answering a questionnaire administered by IMS. The data is collected ...
The 7th edition of the Diversity Day took place in the Grand Duchy on May 20, 2021. This day is part of the European Commission's European Diversity Month. Organisations were invited to launch initiat...
For the International Day of Equal Families 2021, the Ministry of Family, Integration and the Greater Region and the Familljen-Center are organising a virtual exhibition, and everyone can take part! ...
The first V4 ESG conference, where international corporate, stock market and banking professionals will jointly explore the guidelines, challenges and impacts of socially responsible investments on th...
We have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the European Diversity Month high-level launch event, taking place online on 4 May 2021. The event is organised by the European Commission with the Co...
In view of the strategic importance of cities for economic development and their attractiveness, cities are the official theme for Dakar Forum #2. It is in line with the seventeen Sustainable Developm...
On March 3rd, the European Commission presented an ambitious Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 to ensure their full participation in society, on an equal basis with others...
On March 1, as part of the International Women's Rights Day, STATEC organised an economic seminar entitled: "Employment and wages of women and men in Luxembourg". Key results: despite some improvement...
May 20, 2021: a date that falls within the European Diversity Month. "Let’s all take a bolder stand for diversity and act about it. Let’s show our commitment to equality and this May 2021 cele...
The European Diversity Month raises awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion in our workplaces and in the society throughout the whole European Union. It celebrates organisations' effort...
The 11th edition of the Luxembourg City Film Festival will take place from 4 to March 14 2021. This year, the health crisis has encouraged the organisers to rethink their programme and propose a new h...
PwC Luxembourg and AMCHAM Luxembourg together with the Luxembourg American Chamber of Commerce New York, are pleased to invite you to our fourth International Women’s Day panel presentation on Monday ...
To promote the inclusion of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people in the professional environment, IMS Luxembourg has created a guide of good practices and testimonials for c...
The Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, the Centre d'éducation interculturelle - IKL and ASTI are pleased to invite you to a press conference to present the new digital platform on J...
The Agora 4 Youth event, led by Life Project 4 Youth Luxembourg, aims to develop and share good operational practices for the social and professional integration of vulnerable and excluded young adult...
On May 20, the Diversity Awards Lëtzebuerg 2021 will honor the promotion of diversity within organizations. This event, now in its fourth edition, is organized by the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter Comm...
Actions Positives is a program of the Ministry of Equality that together with employers and employees supports an inclusive economy and an egalitarian society. The program, on a voluntary basis, accom...
For International Men's Day on November 19, 2020, the Ministry of Equality between women and men launches episode II of its awareness concept 'Men who care'. Remember the men who shared th...
The Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg is pleased to announce that the English version of its Practical Guide to Diversity Management in Times of Crisis is now available free of charge in English. ...
Presented at our last Diversity Network, IMS Luxembourg, through the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter and in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and several other European ...
On the occasion of the launch of its new report "Risks of impacts of corporate activities on populations in Southern countries: case studies from Luxembourg" (publication date: October 1, 2020), Actio...
This year, CSR Europe will bring its community together to inspire action-oriented collaborations: 1. Increasing business resilience; 2. Rebuilding our societies and economies; 3. Accelerate t...
Diversity Day 2020 is fast approaching and the deadline for submitting your actions is August 28th! If you would like to have a chance to receive the official visit of Ms Corinne Cahen, Minister for F...
It's here! Our Practical Guide to Diversity Management in Times of Crisis is now available. Discover today the measures put in place by private and public organizations in Luxembourg to face the new c...
For many of us, the holidays are fast approaching, and this is also the case for Diversity Day Lëtzebuerg, which will take place on October 6th everywhere in Luxembourg! Therefore, we inv...
Following the success of their 2019 roundtable event, and with HSBC Luxembourg becoming a Privileged Partner of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg, Niccolo Polli, Country CEO of HSBC Luxembourg, is plea...
May the 26th, 2020 should have marked the launch of the 6th edition of Diversity Day Lëtzebuerg, a flagship event carried by the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg to celebrate diversity and inclusion in th...
The Equal(c)ity regional project, carried out by the Belgium and Luxembourg Country Office of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and financed by the European Commission aims to improve...
In the context of our second Diversity Network on the European financial sector's crisis management methods and suggestions last Wednesday, we invited Ms. Claire Godding (Febelfin Belgium), Ms. Autumn...
In the context of its series "Diversity & Covid-19", the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter conducted a short interview with Mrs Catherine Bourin and Mrs Prune Delvalle, respectively Member of the Managemen...
We are excited to welcome a 7th member and new Privileged Partner amongst the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg committee. For years, HSBC Luxembourg has been committed to following and implementing divers...
The Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg sat with Irena Moozová, Director for Equality and Union Citizenship at the European Commission and Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers to get a concrete view...
Fruit of many reflections and sharing between 10 organisations and 2 associations signatories of the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter, the eBook (Handi)Cap'Emploi (Handi)Cap'Emploi offers solutions and wa...
In view of the extraordinary circumstances we are all going through, the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter has opted for a postponement of the Diversity Day Lëtzebuerg 2020 and the signing session to Octob...
Conference Improve Gender sensitivity in STEM teaching with Gender4Stem platform. 16th of January 2020, 13:30 - 17:30 Learning Center in Esch - Belval This conference is the closing...
24 TESTIMONIES TO MAKE EQUALITY AT WORK A REALITY Equality between women and men means a balanced professional and private life. It is up to each of us to have a balance in both areas. The Ministry...
Over the period beginning with this new school year and which will last until the summer of 2020, more than twenty events, actions and publications will take place to celebrate Asti's 40th anniversary...
In November, the CIGALE Esch-sur-Alzette team welcomes you to the Neumünster Abbey site for the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR) - a day to commemorate the memory of the trans' murdered people an...
The Equal Opportunities Department of the City of Esch-Sur-Alzette and the GAy et LEsbien - CIGALE Information Centre would like, through these events, to give visibility to the diversity that makes u...
Managing language diversity for inclusion Multilingualism is considered one of the Grand-Duchy’s assets. It is also one of the most addressed topics among the signatories of the Diversity Charter L...
Oro Rosso. Strawberries tomatoes and sex harassment in the Mediterranean. First event of the new cycle “Expressions of Humanity – What kind of world do we want to live in”, organised by Time For Eq...
The Ministry for Equality between Women and Men launched a call for residents and all those active on the Luxembourg job market to give their opinion on gender equality issues in mid-June 2019 and unt...
On 10 July 2019, the Chamber of Deputies passed the law 7269 amending the Employment Code by creating an activity to assist in employment inclusion for disabled employees and employees in external rec...
Mudam invites several engaged Luxembourg associations, including the Diversity Charter, to address issues that are at the heart of LaToya Ruby Frazier's practice - women's rights, discrimination, the ...
On Monday, July 8, RBC I&TS hosted our Diversity Network on strategic anchoring. 25 participants had the opportunity to learn more about some good practices for integrating diversity management into t...
In mid-June 2019 and until the beginning of July, the Ministry of Equality between women and men launched a call for residents and all those active on the Luxembourg labour market to give their opinio...
Luxembourg Pride week, which takes place in Esch-sur-Alzette from 6 to 14 July, offers a rich and varied programme to celebrate diversity in its colours and to fight against discrimination. D...
The POG, the Luxembourg HR network, is organising a conference on intergenerational management on 25 June. Today in companies, young people born in the 90s, 40-year-olds and pre-retired senio...
Our signatory, ASTI (Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés) is looking for women from France, Belgium and Germany who are cross-border commuters to collect testimonies that will be used to ...
The second wave of the European survey of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, non-binary, and other gender non-conforming people is launched. Besides occasional news reports about discrim...
The fourth and final event in the Cycle Expressions of Humanity, organized by Time For Equality, signatory of the Diversity Charter Lëtzeebuerg, will focus on the subject of Indigenous women in C...
The ZEFI Association (Zesummen fir Inklusioun) asbl organizes a conference entitled "Autism, an opportunity for society" on June 6, 2019. Hugo Horiot has become the voice of his autistic pairs. He ...
The European Commission organised on 16 May the 10th annual forum to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace under the theme "United in Diversity - A Common Challenge". The Forum provides ...
Your vote for a pluralistic and successful Europe ! European Diversity Charters of Germany, Greece, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Spain encourage active participation in up...
On Wednesday 15 May, IMS Luxembourg, as part of the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter activities, organised the Diversity Day and the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Awards. More than thirty actions through the co...
D-1 for Diversity Day: What will be the itinerary of the official visits? Discover below the tour of the Minister of the Family and Integration, as well as patron of the Diversity Charter, Corinne ...