
Neurodivergence in the Workplace

IMS Luxembourg presents the guide "Neurodiversity: understanding neurodivergence in the Workplace".

Why this theme? 

We hear and use more and more terms such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity), HPI (High Intellectual Potential), and dyslexia, but without knowing precisely what they mean. Confusion over the terms and a lack of understanding of what lies behind them and what neurodivergence is can stigmatise people with these cognitive peculiarities, either by attributing characteristics that are not their own or by not accepting how they function. 

This is why we have written this guide, in response to the emergence of the issue and the interest of companies and employees alike. It aims to demystify these terms, explain what neurodiversity is and what neurodivergence is, and help companies better understand and include cognitive differences within their teams.

The guide also looks at companies' challenges and suggests best practices for understanding and dealing with neurodivergence.


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Published on 05 July 2023
