L'utilisation de ces documents doit se faire en respect de la législation concernant les droits d'auteur, et notamment la citation de la source. Les informations contenues dans cette rubrique ne reflètent pas nécessairement la position de la Charte de la Diversité Lëtzebuerg et n'engagent que leurs auteurs.
It is with pleasure that the Committee for the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg presents its practical guide about diversity management. This 118-page book was written by the working group of the Charter with the support of experts. The realisation of this guide took eight months of work. It is a tool to support Luxembourg enterprises in their political dune of diversity management implementation. The guide consists in seven chapters that will be object of a two-part training every year.
Order the guide, click here
The state of play of the approaches implemented in the area of diversity by the signatories of the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter
This document presents the results of 2018 compared to the results obtained in 2014 and / or 2016 in order to highlight the evolution of the practices of the organizations.
The Practical Guide to Diversity Management in times of crisis aims to support private and public sector organisations in managing diversity and inclusion in times of crisis, whatever its nature. Written in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the document is based on measures taken and feedback from organisations that are signatories to the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg and/or members of the IMS network. It is composed of two parts: immediate crisis management and the return to "normal", covering the issues and possible risks that organizations may face, as well as recommendations and good practices to deal with them.
The state of play of the approaches implemented in the area of diversity by the signatories of the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter.
This document presents the results of 2018 compared to the results obtained in 2018 and / or 2016 in order to highlight the evolution of the practices of the organizations.
Be inspired by this toolkit which suggests ideas to act, ways to raise awareness among your organization about diversity, and communication tools to display your involvement ahead of Diversity Day.
The state of play of the approaches implemented in the area of diversity by the signatories of the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter.
This document presents the results of 2024 compared to the results obtained in 2021 in order to highlight the evolution of the practices of the organisations.
Directorate - General for Justice and Consumers Directorate
D - Equality
AFMD, ORSE, Audencia Nantes, HEC ULG
Guide pratique à l'intention des PME
Office des publications de l'Union européenne
Office des publications de l'Union européenne
Confédération Caritas ASBL
Publication by the independent working group on age and intergenerational management.
Only for the Charter's signatories. Ask for the password at info@chartediversite.lu
This report shares findings on ageism in the recruitment process from the perspective of older workers.
CEPS Instead
IMS, Entreprendre pour la cité
Guide d'auto-diagnostic pour une gestion des ressources humaines et des compétences en tenant compte des âges
The (Handi)Cap’ Emploi practical guide aims at raising awareness and putting forward concrete solutions around the topic of disabilities in the workplace. The guide, addressing employers, gives a quick overview on the different types of disabilities and the legal framework in Luxembourg, in order to subsequently reflect on the problematics but even more so the solutions that can facilitate the integration of persons with a disability within your organisation.
Also available in German.
After 7 workshops during which the working group reflected on the concept of disability and the challenges facing employers, 7 themes were chosen in order to deepen the exchanges. The results of these discussions are shared with you in this e-book.
This checklist will allow your company to situate itself in the process of disability inclusion in the company, but also to find inspiration to introduce good practices and continue to move towards a better inclusion of people with disabilities (PWD).
A tool that allows you to measure the place given to disability in your organisation, to increase the maturity of your processes in terms of inclusion of people with disabilities. With tips, resources and concrete actions to implement.
This guide provides an introduction to neurodiversity: definitions, issues and good practice.
Based on scientific articles, interviews and personal accounts, a portrait is drawn up to answer the questions that may arise when the word "neurodiversity" is used in the world of work.
Understanding and dealing with neurodivergences in the workplace
Summary in French of the guide Neurodiversity in the workplace: Understanding and dealing with neurodivergences in the workplace.
Silent hours are time slots set up in shops and shopping centres, during which sensory stimuli (visual, auditory, etc.) are reduced so that hypersensitive people can do their shopping in favourable conditions.
IMS Entreprendre pour la cité
AFMD & School of management Nantes Audencia
AFMD & School of management Nantes Audencia
AFMD et Institut de science et de théologie des religions
Me Moyse avocat à la cour
IMS Entreprendre pour la Cité
Communication “Strategy, Corporate
Communication Actions and Eurobarometer”
Just different
Commission européenne
Commission européenne
IMS Entreprendre pour la cité
World Economic Forum
Guide à destination des TPE et PME
Ministère du Travail, des relations sociales, de la Famille et de la Solidarité
IMS Entreprendre pour la cité
Organisation internationale du Travail
Discover the members of the pre-jury as well as the jury and the best practices that were nominated in 2021 in the 4 categories presented.
Discover the members of the pre-jury as well as the jury and the best practices that were nominated in 2019 in the 4 categories presented IN FRENCH ONLY.
This roadmap has been created to assist you in submitting your diversity best practice.
by the European Union Plateform of Diversity Charters
Maria Hegarty - Europea Commission
Service public fédéral
Personnel et Organisation
IMS, Entreprendre pour la cité
Publication by the independent working group on racism.
Only for the Charter's signatories. Ask for the password at info@chartediversite.lu
Association françaises des managers de la Diversité
Publication by the autonomous working group on altered health at work.
Only for the Charter's signatories. Ask for the password at info@chartediversite.lu
l'ACSE et l'APSV
This guide is a collection of ideas that have already been implemented in companies or institutions, mainly in Europe, which has proven to be effective in the fight against lgbt-phobic acts. All of the practices are intended to be inspiring. Each person is free to share, reproduce or adapt them to his or her own reality.
Get informed, support and know the Luxembourg legal framework.
This e-learning aims to raise awareness and educate companies and employees on the subject and to transmit good practices to be implemented at both individual and organisational levels.
Autre cercle - diversité et inclusion
IMS Entreprendre pour la cité
The practical guide "Migration vers l'emploi", for employers, will give you a quick overview of the terminology related to the notion of “third country national” (TCN), as well as on the recruitment process concerning TCNs. Each obstacle has its solution(s) and good practices that can help you implement some actions to include TCNs within your organization.
A study carried out in collaboration with the Department of Integration of the Ministry of Integration, Family and the Greater Region identifies existing initiatives and training in the associative, professional and state milieus on the theme of interculturality in Luxembourg.
Ideas, resources, methods & activities for intercultural learning
Intended for professionals working in the fields of interculturality, inclusion and non-discrimination, this toolkit offers theoretical content as well as educational and practical activities promoting inclusion and active citizenship, while enhancing the value of cultural diversity in Luxembourg.
Discussions in the "Interculturality for Impact" working group
This thematic report summarizes the reflections of a working group of the "Interculturality for Impact" project, which was set up to explore the subject of third places, and in particular a multilingual social café, often a catalyst for intercultural dialogue and both participative and contributive democracy.
Insitut Montaigne
Fundación Bertelsmann et Club de Excelencia en Sostenibilidad
IMS, Entreprendre pour la cité et l'Union Européenne et Equal
IMS, Entreprendre pour la Cité et Union Européenne