Your ethnic or national origins may not be the same as your nationality, which is whydiscrimination based on nationality is treated as a separate criterion in the Grand Duchy, a highly multicultural country. And according to the CET, nationality is the most common reason fordiscrimination in the Grand Duchy. And yet, 90% of victims do not file a complaint after having been discriminated against. The majority feel that their complaints are a waste of time because they don't lead anywhere, while others seem to believe that their cases are not serious enough to file a complaint.
In addition,inclusion andintegration of people from different cultural backgrounds at the workplace is a pillar in fostering an inclusive society. The 2021 "Diversité & entreprises Lëtzebuerg” barometer highlights the importance of intercultural issues within organisations. 65% of the signatories of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg propose initiatives concerning the different languages spoken in their companies and 62% develop actions concerning multiple nationalities.
Taking into account and managing interculturality in the workplace promotes exchange, cohesion and dialogue, helps to fightprejudice, and work towards the recognition ofHuman rights, freedom and living together.
Resources by IMS Luxembourg and the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg
The first step is recruitment, hence the importance of training staff to combat the tendency to hire profiles similar to theirs, and instead, focus on the search of specific technical and behaviouralskills, and promoting openness to others.