  • 2023 AWARDS
  • Why and how to apply?

In July, the pre-jury, composed of 12 independent experts, selected the nominees for each category. The final jury, composed of multi-stakeholder representatives, selected the winners of the four categories on 18 September 2023. Find out more about the initiatives submitted to the pre-jury and the jury by consulting the Diversity Awards Lëtzebuerg 2023 brochure.

On 28 September 2023, the Diversity Awards awarded the best practices in terms ofdiversity management within organisations in Luxembourg.

this 5th edition of the Diversity Awards Lëtzebuerg highlighted the increasing commitment of private, public, as well as associative organisations in this field.

Discover the 2023 winners

"Recruitment, Welcome and Integration":inclusion and Respect Course, Ferrero

Ferrero has set up a fully personalised "Inclusion and Respect Course" attended by all employees at all levels.

"Career Management": Inclusive training for babysitters, Commune de Sanem

The municipality has introduced training for babysitters to meet the needs of parents with children with special needs, and the course has been a real success.

"Well-being and Working Conditions": Silent hours in shopping centres, Nhood

Nhood has introduced silent hours in its two shopping centres to welcome people with autism spectrum disorders and hypersensitivity in calm conditions.

"Communication and Values of the Organisation": Diversity andinclusion Bingo, Société Générale Luxembourg

The Diversity andinclusion Committee created a diversity bingo to raise awareness among employees in a fun way, and the feedback has been very positive.

Presentation of the nominees per category


Recruitment, Welcome and Integration

Career Management

Well-being and Working conditions

Communication and Values of the Organisation



2021 Diversity Awards

On 23 March 2021, the pre-jury, composed of 12 independent experts, selected the nominees for each category. The final jury, composed of multi-stakeholder representatives, selected the winners of the four categories on 30 March 2021. Find out more about the initiatives submitted to the pre-jury and the jury by consulting the Diversity Awards Lëtzebuerg 2021 brochure.

Discover the 2021 winners

"Recruitment, Welcome and Integration": Zuumer Academy, ABBL

The ABBL Foundation for Financial Education has set up a training course to help vulnerable people, the vast majority of whom are of foreign origin, to better understand and manage their finances.

"Career Management": Officer promotion - Managerial education on diversity biais, Brown Brothers Harriman

Recognising that financial organisations face low levels of diversity and that women are less visible than men (...) the HR department has worked to create opportunities for development, mentorship, participation in key events...

"Well-being and Working Conditions": Prévention de la violence dans les hôpitaux, Hôpitaux Robert Schuman

The employees of Robert Schuman Hospitals were asked to participate, firstly in a satisfaction survey, and then in focus groups representing the different professions in the hospital. As a result, actions and solutions were implemented for each of the issues, a code of good conduct was drawn up and training courses were set up.

"Communication and Values of the Organisation": Equality &inclusion working groups, SES

Working groups of volunteer employees have been set up so that they can also focus on diversity andinclusion issues. Together they define the organisation's D&I strategy and the challenges they want to work on.

Presentation of the nominees per category


Recruitment, Welcome and Integration

  • Zuumer Academy, ABBL (video)
  • Diversité et égalité des chances dans le recrutement, Becker & Associés (video)
  • Induction week, École Internationale de Differdange et Esch-sur-Alzette (video)

Career Management

  • Officer promotion, Brown Brothers Harriman (video)
  • Leadership@CFL, CFL (video)
  • PostTalents, POST (video)

Well-being and Working conditions

  • Move/Eat/Feel, Accenture (video)
  • Enhanced parental leave, Fidelity International (video)
  • Prévention de la violence dans les hôpitaux, Hôpitaux Robert Schuman (video)

Communication and Values of the Organisation

  • Taking a stand: JamaisSansElles, BNP Paribas Securities Services (video)
  • #YestoDiversity campaign, Encevo (video
  • Equality &inclusion working groups, SES (video


2019 Diversity Awards

On 15th May 2019, during the fifth Diversity Day, the Diversity Awards awarded the best practices in terms ofdiversity management within organisations in Luxembourg.

In the presence of Mrs Cahen, Minister for Family andintegration, this third edition of the Diversity Awards Lëtzebuerg highlighted the increasing commitment of private, public, as well as associative organisations in this field.

Discover the 2019 winners

« Recruitment, Welcome andintegration »: PeerTraining, 4Motion

Diversity andintegration training through non-formal education practices that aims to train young diversity ambassadors who then raise awareness among their peers.

« Career Management »: Arendt Speech Contest, Arendt & Medernach

Arendt Speech Contest is an eloquence contest that aims to challenge prejudices and develop newskills.

« Well-being and Working conditions »: Luxembourg LGBT+ & Allies Association, State Street

The Luxembourg LGBT+ & Allies Association is an inter-company network aimed at raising awareness ofsexual orientation andgender identity issues.

« Communication and Values of the Organisation »: Social Re-Use, Digital Inclusion 

The "Social Re-Use" project seeks to make the digital world accessible to all through various courses and workshops.

Presentation of the nominees per category

Recruitment, Welcome and Integration

  • Peertraining, 4 motion (video)
  • Discovery internship, Hogan Lovells (video)
  • Sport for all, Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette (video)

Career Management

  • Arendt Speech Contest, Arendt & Medernach (video)
  • Climbing-Up Program, Caceis (video)
  • Mentoring circles, State Street (video)

Well-being and Working conditions

  • Parental Charta and parental policy, AXA (video)
  • Key life stages, ING (video)
  • Luxembourg professional LGBT+ & Allies Association, State Street (video)

Communication and Values of the Organisation

  • Social Re-Use, Digitalinclusion (video)
  • Know your rights, DLA Piper (video
  • Embrace diversity, elisabeth (video



Chosing the winning practices was not easy and the Diversity Awards jury wanted to make a special mention of elisabeth’s, Hogan Lovells’ and Axa’s practices. Although they did not receive the award in their respective categories, their practices are remarkable and easily replicable in order to contribute to a work environment that respects the diversity of employees.

2017 Diversity Awards

Discover the 2017 winners

"Recruitment, Welcome and Integration": Connections, ASTI 

This practice encourages theintegration of asylum seekers and refugees on the job market.


"Career Management": Youth4Work, Intercommunal Union De Réidener Kanton 

A human project that aims at coaching young people encountering difficulties.

"Environment and Wellbeing at work": Call center, ADEM +photo ou video

This practice is replicable as it consists in a call center service only composed of people with disabilities.


"Communication and Values of the organisation": Live my life, Sodexo 

The project "Live my life" allows collaborators to exchange position during one day to break stereotypes related to some positions.

Find all the practices of 2017 in our booklet.

2015 Diversity Awards

Discover the 2015 winners


"Recruitment, Welcome and Integration": Recruiting by motivation of diversified profiles, ONET

An innovative practice that places motivation at the center of the recruitment process and enables to attract atypical profiles. 


"Career Management": Awareness on the fight against discrimination, BNP Paribas

This practice has raised awareness towards management on unconscious bias and discriminations through scientific training. 


"Work Environment and Wellbeing": Mentaldisability,integration and adaptation of work environment, Ville de Luxembourg

This approach seeks to address the issue of mental disabilities and theintegration of this population on the open labour market. 



"Communication and Organisation's values": Training of teaching staff, joint winners, Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette & MEC asbl (Mouvement pour l’Égalité des Chances)

This practice aims to fight against stereotypes from an early age and places pedagogy as a central element of awareness in favour of diversity

Find all the practices of 2017 in our booklet.

The Diversity Awards have been organized every two years since 2015. They aim to value best practices regardingdiversity management in 4 different categories.

Among the received applications, an independent expert pré-jury selects 12 nominated practices (3 in each category), which are then evaluated by a jury chaired by the Minister for Family andintegration. The 4 winning practices are disclosed during a Diversity Award ceremony.

All the practices can be watched on the Diversity Charter’s Youtube channel.

How to apply?

The application deadline of 20 June 2023 has passed.

Rendez-vous for the next edition in 2025!

Reasons to apply

Applying for the Diversity Awards Lëtzebuerg can benefit your organisation in many ways:

  • You contribute to developing diversity and to a more inclusive environment by replicating recognised best practices;
  • You prove leadership in terms of diversity and recognition by your peers;
  •  You increase your visibility and reputation as a diverse organisation (internally as well as externally);
  • You get an opportunity to showcase your innovative approach in terms of implementing diversity in your organisation.
Awarded categories

  • Recruitment, Welcome, and Integration

How diversity is integrated into the recruitment, welcome, andintegration processes of the organisation’s new employees.

For example: proactive recruitment, partnerships with employment structures, partnerships with companies, recruiter training, internships for targeted audiences, practices to enhance the attractiveness of certain jobs, welcome pack or diversity training of new arrivals,integration path, tutoring, practices to welcome and integrate new arrivals to Luxembourg, etc.

  • Career Management

Review of Human Resources processes acknowledging the principles ofnon-discrimination and of diversity promotion.

For example: salary and promotion policies, targeted training,mentoring programs, senior career management, career management partnerships, professional development programs, integrating diversity in performance goals, launching internal/external networks, coaching, internal management training, etc.

  • Well-being and Working Conditions

Adapting the workplace and organisational methods to enable the proper reception and smoothintegration of target audience; best practices facilitating work-life balance.

For example: infrastructure and buildings, workstation ergonomics, adapted workspace, flexitime, telework, provision for childcare, parenthood charter, fight against psycho-social risks, well-being charters or programs taking diversity into account, burn-out prevention, fight against stress at work, etc.

  • Communication and Values of the organisation

Measures taken to integrate diversity values into the company's culture, communicating to internal and external stakeholders on commitments and related actions implemented in this field.

For example: a Charter or official document from the organisation stating diversity as a key-value, training tools, efforts to raise awareness with teams or suppliers, supplier code of ethics replicating these values, campaigns, dedicated events, local actions targeting the population, etc.

Evaluation criteria

Winning best practices will be selected according to the criteria below, each of which will be graded by the jury and pre-jury:

  • Impact of the practice: it is not restricted to words and to a declaration of intent but has been translated into concrete actions and has a measurable impact on both the target public and the smooth running of the organisation.
  • The innovative nature of the action.
  • The exemplary and replicable nature of the initiative: the practice should be an inspiring example that can be adapted to other organisations or relevant areas.
  • The level of implementation of the practice: extent and scope according to the company's size.
  • The governance of the project.
  • Integration as part of a long-term approach: the practice should be enshrined in a continuous improvement process and must not be a one-off, anecdotal event. It should be embedded sustainably in the strategy of the organisation.
Conditions for participation

Applications are available in French or English on simple request to:

Applications are open from January 26, 2023, until midnight on June 20.

Participation is free and open to any organisation set up in Luxembourg, whether it is a signatory of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg or not, and irrespective of its size, its status - private, public, or not-for-profit - and its field of activity.

Organisations can submit several files as long as each relates to a separate project; one file per practice is accepted. Should you want to apply in several categories and for several projects, you must submit as many files as there are projects.

