The Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg is a national commitment text proposed for signature to any organisation in Luxembourg wishing to commit to diversity promotion and management through concrete actions that go beyond legal obligations.
The Charter is supported by seven privileged private and public partners - Deutsche Bank Luxembourg, the Ministry ofgender equality and Diversity, PwC, Linklaters, CACEIS Investor Services Bank, Sodexo and HSBC Luxembourg - as well as IMS Luxembourg, project leader.
Structured around 6 articles, it guides organisations in the implementation of practices that promote cohesion and social equity through networks, workshops and conferences, involving all their employees and partners.
Ninth Charter in the European Union, it is part of the European platform of Diversity Charters, led by the European Commission's DG Justice.
Building on its success with Luxembourg companies, the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg currently has more than 328 signatories (public, private and voluntary sectors), representing 22% of Luxembourg’s payroll.
The Committee for the Diversity Charter
The Committee for the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg is composed of a representative of each of the seven privileged partners. It aims to promote the Charter's image at the national and international levels and guide the overall strategy.
IMS Luxembourg
The Luxembourg Diversity Charter is a project from the non-profit organisation IMS Luxembourg. The non-profit ensures the daily coordination and promotion of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg.
Raise awareness, train and involve the decision-makers and partners to the challenges of diversity as a source of enrichment, innovation, progress and social cohesion.
Define a diversity policy and implement practices and action plans that consciously integrate the management of individual differences.
Apply the principles ofequal opportunities and promotion of diversity in the company's decision-making and management processes as well as in the management of its human resources.
Evaluate these practices, their results and their effects regularly.
Communicate to all the company stakeholders the commitments made and the concrete results of the implemented actions.
Encourage all of its partners to also work in favour ofnon-discrimination and the promotion of diversity.