
LGBTIQ+ networking events: what are you already doing, and what could be your needs?

IMS Luxembourg in collaboration with Rosa Letzebuerg, PwC, Schroders and HSBC, RBC and JPM would like to organize an LGBTIQ+ networking event.


The aim is to group companies already engaged in the LGBTIQ+inclusion journey and companies interested to join to set up a road map of milestones to achieve together supporting each other.


After long, we would like to come back connecting in person, share experiences, get inspired from each other and draft together an inclusive agenda of networking events and themes that can be developed and co-hosted by any company interested going forward.


To create a series of event as interactive and interesting as possible, we would need of some hints and feedback coming from you.

For this reason, we would really appreciate if you could take some minutes of your time to reply to this survey.

Answer the survey

Published on 24 November 2022
