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Women Leaders Lecture Series: Gender in Science

Network news

Women Leaders is a new lecture series promoted by thegender equality Office, which stems from the ADVANCEmentoring program to enhance networking opportunities. This event is organised by the University of Luxembourg. The inaugural lecture will be delivered by Prof. Londa Schiebinger, from Stanford University, who will talk aboutgender in Science. Professor Schiebinger is an internationally renowned expert ongender in science and technology. Collaborations with organizations like the European Commission and the U.S. National Science Foundation underscore her commitment to promoting Gendered Innovations across various fields, including Health & Medicine, Engineering, and the Environment.

The lecture is open to everyone and will be followed by a networking cocktail.

Registration is free but mandatory (there is a limited number of places available). 

  • When ? Monday, 24 June 2024, 18.00 – 20.00
  • Where ?  Cercle Cité Luxembourg

More info

Published on 27 May 2024
