
Error 404 - Raising awareness on invisible disability

In France, there are 12 million people with disabilities, i.e. 1 in 6 people, and 80% of disabilities are invisible and often unknown to employers, i.e. nearly 9.5 million French people! Behind the invisibledisability are disabling diseases such as diabetes, endometriosis or cancer, hearing or visual disorders, but also autoimmune diseases or dyslexia, dyspraxia, or even psychological disorders, severe depression, bipolarity, ... all forms ofdisability that are not apparent but which impact on the quality of life  

Above all, these are men and women who must not only face their illnesses but also fight to be recognised in society or professionally. Unfortunately, faced with a lack of knowledge orprejudice on the part of recruiters, many still prefer to keep theirdisability secret.

Although the aim of this video is above all to raise awareness of invisible disabilities among teams, employees and managers, it turns out that by collaborating on this video project, Les Entreprises pour la Cité and Séquences Clés are also showing thatdisability is not an obstacle to performance in creative professional activities that require expertise.

Published on 16 February 2023
