
Access City Award 2025

Network news

Since 2010, the European Commission organises the Access City Award, in collaboration with the Europeandisability Forum, to reward EU cities that have prioritised accessibility for persons with disabilities. Accessibility improves the quality of life of everyone, but it is indispensable for more than 100 million EU citizens with disabilities to have equal access tofundamental rights and to all the cities have to offer. A city is accessible when persons with disabilities can, for instance:

  • get information (online and offline).
  • use transport (e.g., buses, trams, metros) and its related infrastructure.
  • enjoy public spaces, like parks and playgrounds.
  • get in and around buildings like the city hall, library and sports hall, and access to their services

Access City Award 2025

Applications for the Access City Award 2025 are open from 27 June 2024 until 10 September 2024 at 23:59 CEST. Applications must be made by completing and submitting an online application by 10 September 2024 23:59h at the latest. Click here to complete. 


  • 1st place: EUR 150 000
  • 2nd place: EUR 120 000
  • 3rd place: EUR 80 000

In addition, the EU Jury may decide to award up to five “Special Mentions” if there are cities that have done exceptional work in a particular key area of accessibility. This year, the European Commission also intends to award an ‘Accessible Sports Infrastructure’ Special Mention to a city that demonstrates how they feature accessibility in their sports infrastructure.

Who can apply?

The Access City Award is open to all EU cities of over 50 000 inhabitants urban areas composed of two or more towns with a combined population of over 50 000 inhabitants, if they are in EU countries with fewer than 2 cities with over 50 000 inhabitants


  • 27 June 2024: launch of the competition
  • 10 September 2024 23:59h: application deadline
  • Beginning of November 2024: announcement of finalists
  • 28-29 November 2024: announcement of winner, runners-up, and Special Mention(s) at the award ceremony, during the European Day of Persons with Disabilities conference


Published on 27 August 2024
