
Women Leaders: Make work fair with Prof. Iris Bonnet

Network news

The second lecture of 2024 Women Leaders Series will host Prof. Iris Bohnet from Harvard University, an influential behavioral economist, who combines insights from economics and psychology, with agender or cross-cultural perspective, to improve decision-making in organizations and society. She is the author of the award-winning book “What Works:gender equality by Design”.

She will speak about her pioneering work on reducing bias in decision-making and promotinggender equality in companies and institutions. 

Overall the talk will examine how organizations can use insights from behavioral economics to embedfairness into the fabric of their workplaces. With a particular focus on leveling the playing field for women and men, Bohnet will draw on years of research with organizations across sectors and the world to unpack what works and what doesn’t to move the needle onfairness at work.

The lecture is open to everyone and will be followed by a networking cocktail.

Registration is free but mandatory (there is a limited number of places available). To register please click here.

When? Thursday 10 October 2024 from 18.00 until 20.00

More info 

Published on 30 July 2024
