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Diversit Day Buffer


Tuesday 23 May 2023


European Court of Auditors

European Court of Auditors

Description of the action
RE-AUTHORING DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION What is Re-Authoring/Narrative Diversity andinclusion work? Re-authoring work facilitates ways of seeing and doing that invite individuals, communities and organisations to take back the pen in the authoring of their lives and their worlds. It builds on the human capacity to weave meaning into narratives in our given world. As we do this work, the beauty, dignity and knowledges of individuals, communities and organisations are deeply honoured. Re-authoring work opens up new possibilities and imagined futures wherein human beings co-author their relationships with all things of the world. The unique gifts of Re-authoring work in Diversity andinclusion processes Re-authoring work provides ways of seeing and doing that invite individuals, communities and organisations to move through collectively because it • Builds human connections with the “other” that honours their beauty, dignity and knowledges • Co-creates team/organisational stories that we want more of • Assists in separating from team/organisational stories that we want less of • Facilitates conversations where the problem is the problem and external to the person • Invites ownership in co-authoring a different future • Allows for the invitation of participants to really listen to the story of the other The aim of this work is to create platforms where re-authoring these narratives, our relationships with the “other” and our organisational culture becomes possible. Re-authoring conversations have a respectful openness that holds the alternative story ofinclusion of the “other” in a way that moves us forward; one narrative and one conversation at a time.