en / fr

27 July 2024

National and European "Diversity and Business" Barometer 2024 results presentation

  • Description
  • Registration

As part of their commitments, signatories to the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter must report on their diversity management practices once every three years by completing a questionnaire. The data collected and analysed by LISER (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research) is used to draw up the "Diversity and Business" Barometer. 

This survey has three main objectives:  

  1. To provide an overview of diversity and related practices in Luxembourg organisations in 2024
  2. To provide a self-assessment tool and inspiration for signatory organisations. Thanks to the themes covered, the questionnaire makes it possible to take stock, every two years, of the actions that have been put in place and their impact on the organisation. It can also provide ideas for actions that signatory organisations could implement. 
  3. Observe the evolution of the signatories' diversity management policies. 

The event will provide an opportunity to present the results of the two barometers and to offer suggestions for action to organisations committed to diversity.  

More information to come.

When? Thursday, 12 December 2024, 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm
Where? To be confirmed
For who? This event is open to all.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact priscilia.talbot@imslux.lu

Photos will likely be taken at the event intended to be published by IMS Luxembourg in written or digital media. Please inform the host at the beginning of the event if you do not wish to be in the photos.
At the end of the event you will receive a certificate of attendance which you can provide to your HR department.
Online registration

* Mandatory fields
