en / fr

Concours culinaire Plats & Origines

Company name : BSP | Bonn Steichen & Partners

Activity sector : Other service activities

Company category : SME


Raise awareness, train and involve

Description of the action

This was an awareness campaign dedicated to all BSP employees organised in the specific context of the 10th Anniversary of the Diversity Charter in Luxembourg.


In the context of the month of diversity and thanks to the input of IMS, we have organised an event promoted by BSP CSR Working Group to raise awareness about the diversity inside BSP. All BSP personnel has been asked to participate in a contest and contribute cooking for the colleagues specialties of their region or nation. Everyone was also asked to give a maximum of 3 points to their favourite dishes and the person who cooked the specialty that gained the most was awarded with a prize, a Thai cooking class for two people. The event was held on May 18 to celebrate the Diversity Charter to celebrate all the nationalities within BSP.


The aim of the project was to involve all BSP employees in a practical activity, making them aware of the number of different nationalities that are represented within the firm (which we are not necessarily aware of, being the teams spread amongst different floors) and of the richness that this difference gives to our work environment.


Participants were asked to cook specialties of their region or nation so that colleagues could taste new flavours and better identify people’s origins and the beauty of the differences amongst countries of origin. Participants were also asked to vote for their favourite plates. The Countries and regions represented have been: France, Luxembourg, Germany, Israel, Italy, Alsace, England, Turkey, Greece.


BSP employees are now more conscious of the diversity of the nationalities within our law firm. In addition, some relationships have strengthen as some employees of the same nationality decided to meet and cook together. This means that this initiative also facilitated relationships and enhanced proactivity. Being BSP employees average age quite young, this also create interactions on social media and the publication of stories on Instagram sharing this idea ofintegration and appreciation of the different cultures.

« To do »

To value the contribution of every employee, even the smallest contributions. Try to identify ambassadors in every team: if the company is organise din different teams, it is very important to identify several ambassadors who can promote initiatives within the team and create a positive and open environment.

« Not to do »

Underestimate the positive impact that also small initiatives can have on the virtuous relationships amongst colleagues.




Keywords : Welcoming and socialization

Published on 08 August 2022
