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Diversit Day Buffer

Art, Baking, Escape Game, Speech Contest... 4 ways to share our Diversity & Inclusion

mercredi 17 mai 2023




Description de l'action

Thanks to art, taste, game, speech and laugh we will think and share about our Diversity and_Inclusion journey. We will organise 4 Diversity Days in one month.

• May 17th: A visit of Tourmaline exhibition in Mudam. LGBTQ+ will be the topic of the day.

•May 22nd: Our second baking event will be the opportunity to share and taste our cultural sweet and savoury secrets. With 50 nationalities at Arendt our e-cookbook (volume 2) will be even more diversified.

•June 13th: Diversity Game. 3 rooms, 3 diversity topics, 1 challenge: solve the enigmas to escape the room within 20 minutes. When you go out, share your ideas to improve our Diversity &_Inclusion.

•June 21st: Our traditional Speech Contest will put “Multigenerationality in the workplace & Ageism” live on stage. See, listen and laugh will make us aware about stereotypes. We will discuss and share our views during the cocktail. Therefore, we will improve our way to work and communicate together.
