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Diversit Day Buffer

Fairness, inclusion and respect at LuxSE

mardi 23 mai 2023


Luxembourg Stock Exchange

Bourse de Luxembourg

Description de l'action

Officially taking place on Tuesday 23 May, the CSR Committee has decided to go big and extend celebrations to a full week, much like last year. From 23 May to 30 May, we will be organising a series of exciting initiatives around the topics of fairness,inclusion and respect. On Tuesday 23 May, to kick-off the celebrations, we will be organising a multicultural breakfast where employees will each be invited to bring a dish representing their country of origin or cultural background. The breakfast will be followed by an in-person event where we will celebrate the official launch of LuxSE's Fairness Charter. This Charter outlines why fairness,inclusion and respect are important, defines these concepts and sets out how fairness,inclusion and respect considerations are applied at LuxSE. The event will be a great opportunity for our staff to learn more about the concrete actions LuxSE has put in place to ensure that everyone is treated fairly, and is included and respected regardless of their gender, sexual orientation,religion, disability... when carrying out the important work that each of them do on a daily basis at our exchange.
