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Diversit Day Buffer

offee Morning Meetup - Diversity and Inclusion: from theory to concrete practice

jeudi 25 mai 2023


BSP - 11, rue du Château d’Eau - Leudelange


Description de l'action

In the context of European Diversity Month, LuxCMA and BSP are delighted to organise a roundtable discussion "Diversity andinclusion: from theory to concrete practice", taking place at BSP on Thursday 25th May. We are pleased that Mrs Corinne Cahen, Minister for Family Affairs and Integration and Minister for the Greater Region, is the key note speaker at this event. This is followed by a roundtable discussion where our panellists assess how companies in Luxembourg are promoting diversity andinclusion in the workplace and what more can be done. The session is followed by a networking breakfast. Agenda: 8:15 a.m Registration 8:30 a.m Welcome and Roundtable discussion 9:30 a.m Networking Breakfast
