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Diversit Day Buffer

Diversity around the Globe Quiz

Thursday 20 May 2021


Digital Quizz - so from any location including Crystal Park , our offices

PwC Luxembourg Société Coopérative

Description of the action

During 2 days, our People are invited to participate to a digital diversity quiz asking them questions about interesting facts on the world's population, the pyramid of age, the religious diversity, theinclusion of disabled people , the LGBT+ key trends, thegender situation and our HeforShe participation. We have picked the countries that are matching our ethnic / national communities @ PwC Luxembourg for building our quiz. Our purpose is to challenge our cultural bias, develop a greater awareness about the human population and enable people to build a fresh perspective ....or nurture their curiosity ! The first 5 winners will be invited to a private exclusive visit of the Mudam altogether.
