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Diversit Day Buffer

Get a taste of diversity at Arendt!

Thursday 12 May 2022


Arendt House (Kirchberg, main address) and Arendt 9 (9 rue de Bitbourg, L-1273 Luxembourg)

Arendt & Medernach

Description of the action
 Our Action: Get a taste of diversity at Arendt!  Objective: With 48 nationalities working at Arendt we would like to celebrate diversity at Arendt by sharing typical pastry/biscuits/cakes from our staff’s region/country with colleagues and so sharing traditions and culture at Arendt.  Details: We invite our staff to bake a typical pastry/biscuits/cakes from their staff’s region/country to bring it to work on Diversity Day 2022 and to share it with their colleagues. The pastry/biscuits/cakes will be distributed in the staff restaurants at both Arendt buildings (Kirchberg and Hamm) where relevant decorations (flags of the nationalities at Arendt) and music (a dedicated playlist will be created, reflecting all staff’s nationalities as well) will frame the event. We ask participating staff to share the recipes and also any traditions/cultural background linked to their bakes, or anecdotes/personal stories that they experienced when preparing/eating this with their families/friends.  Special: We will make photos of all pastry/biscuits/cakes and publish these together with the recipes, traditions/cultural background, anecdotes and personal stories in an eBook that will be shared with all Arendt staff.