
22 December 2024

Diversity network: diversity awareness among managers

  • Description
  • Registration

A successful diversity management necessarily involves raising awareness and commitment among managers, both in top management and in middle management. Field managers, as closest to the teams, are the daily representatives of the strategic values defined by the managers and, consequently, the guardians of respect and promotion of diversity.

What are the practices of the signatories regarding management in general and middle management in specific? What challenges do they face? How do they solve them?

The Diversity Network is an opportunity to present practices implemented by companies that have signed the Charter on a given subject. This meeting of the signatories of the Charter allows, beyond the testimonies, the exchange of participants on their practices, their challenges and questions on the theme of reception & integration.

When? 15 October from 12am to 2pm

Where? BGL BNP Paribas / 50, avenue J.F. Kennedy / L- 2951 Luxembourg


  • Fabienne Dasnoy, BGL BNP Paribas
  • Josefa Peralba Ton, SOGELIFE 
  • Claire Talbot, SODEXO
  • Cécile Payan Sompayrac, SODEXO

For whom? This event in French is reserved for the signatories of the Diversity Charter.

Limited spots available. Please register to make sure you get your spot.

We inform all participants that they are likely to figure in some pictures taken during IMS' events. These pictures are destined to be published in written and online media edited by IMS Luxembourg.

Online registration

* Mandatory fields
