en / fr

03 July 2024

Official signing session of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg

  • Description

This ceremony will welcome the new signatories, present the work accomplished during the year 2022-2023 and announce new initiatives the Diversity Charter is leading!


  • Welcome by the host & Introduction by minister Corinne Cahen
  • Welcome of the new signatories
  • Presentation of the Autonomous Working Groups 2022 tools:
    • Intergenerational management: a practical guide
    • Altered health at work: a practical guide and testimonies
    • Gender equality: a self-assessment tool
  • Presentation of the new 2023 Autonomous Working Groups and new features of the Charter
  • Networking Cocktail

When? Tuesday May 23, from 6pm to 8pm
Where? ING Luxembourg / 26, Place de la Gare / L-1616 Luxembourg
For who? This event is open to all.

Event in English.

We inform the participants of our events that they may appear on photographs taken during the event. These are intended to be published in the written or digital media published by IMS Luxembourg.