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Allyship For the Gender Minority

Company name : SES

Activity sector : Other

Company category : SME


Raise awareness, train and involve

Description of the action

Currently in Phase one! Launching an Allyship programme for thegender minority. The idea is to have a platform where SESers can make allyship request either named of anonymous. In case of named requests, available allies may express their interest in becoming an ally.


We wanted to implement an allyship program within the company and a confidential reporting system. These ideas are not there to replace traditional methods and interactions of people. The idea is to motivate all employees, being inclusive to the opposers too. The nature of the proposal in non-punitive, it rather focuses on personal development. And of course, we couldn't do any of these without the support of people managers. So the motos are: be kind to your colleagues, stand up for the minority, speak out against injustice, be an ally for thegender minority!


Phase one: Communicate what allyship means and what it is Phase two: Clarify what can constitute as an allyship action Phase three: Create the system when people can submit allyship requests


The idea is to have a platform where SESers can make allyship request either named of anonymous. In case of named requests, available allies may express their interest in becoming an ally. In case of anonymous requests, we'll use the help of volunteers as we wouldn't like to expose information that may lead to the identification of the ally-caller. When an ally and ally-caller are matched they work together and provide feedback on the allyship. The feedback helps classify the case as allyship worked/or didn't work and at the end of year the business units from which the allies come gets allyship points for successful allyships. The volunteers also bring points to their business unit. At the end of the year SESers are asked to mention allyship that happened traditionally, outside of the program and the volunteers assess the cases in order to give allyship points. Business units without participation are asked to participate as allies, volunteers or organize an allyship event of their taste. Awards are given at the end of the year for business units: ally of the year, most influential ally, most creative ally. In order to avoid misuse of the platform we'll create a lexicon explaining what is an ally, what you can ask an ally for etc. and an ally handbook as a guide for allies.


Create a safe space within the company where behaviours that are non-inclusive are mitigated and colleagues are supported.

« To do »

Run a survey and see the level of awareness in the company Involve people in implementation bottom-up Have a leader sponsor Provide people with a lexicon with terminology

« Not to do »

Do not launch this without clearly communicating the reason behind the initiative Don't expect people to immediately take action


Keywords : Organizational culture

Published on 24 March 2022
