
Celebration of different national backgrounds

Company name : M & G International Investments S.A

Activity sector : Financial and insurance activities

Company category : SME


Raise awareness, train and involve

Description of the action

During the last 2 years M&G Luxembourg has organized a series of awareness events to celebrate the diversity of nationalities in the M&G Luxembourg office.


M&G Luxembourg employs roughly 70 people and around 43 different nationalities.


The aim of these events was to enhance awareness and cultivate an inclusive workplace, promoting mutual respect and a deeper understanding of all cultures within the office.


In order to celebrate this diverse employee pool base we have organized 3 different events:
1. Chinese New Year to celebrate alongside our colleagues from China. We have enjoyed a variety of different snacks, foods and beverages from China and our colleagues have introduced us to their customs.
2. Diversity Breakfast: all the colleagues were asked to bring food from their specific culture/ country and 5 speakers from different nationalities that walked us through their culture and introduced us to their nationalities.
3. Languages day: in honour of all the nationalities in the Lux office we have organized a languages day to raise awareness of the multicultural environment in the office. We have all learned new words in another language through interactive games and social interactions.


As a result of these interactions, all colleagues are now better informed about the diversity of nationalities and more receptive to the various cultures and unique characteristics each of us brings.

« To do »

Do engage native colleagues in the organization of the event to make sure you avoid stereotyping.
Make sure that within a certain timeframe there is an inclusiveness of all cultures.

« Not to do »

Don't impose a strict topic of celebration
Don't violate personal and cultural boundaries

Keywords : Welcoming and socialization

Published on 17 December 2024
