
Dialogue instead of Hate (Dialog statt Hass)


Activity sector : Health and social work

Company category : Foundation, Non-profit, NGO



Description of the action

The project "dialogue instead of hate" focuses on the consequences of hate speech on the Internet, as the criminal consequences have so far been limited to administrative fines. The main objective of the project is to approach together with the authors: the analysis and reflection of the offense, to shed light on the reasons that led them to express themselves in this way and to explore together more respectful forms of communication. To achieve this goal, we will discuss the legal norms, the importance of freedom of expression as well as its legal limits and the reasons for its existence. In addition, the author will be made aware of the harmful effects on social cohesion when using this kind of discourse. We will also supervise the reflection process on the effects of such a text on the target group/individual.


Hate speech is a growing reality. The variety of platforms and the diversity of topics covered in the media, invite more and more readers and viewers to engage in political debates and express their opinions. Although freedom of expression is central to our society, its limits are often exceeded. Thus, the project "Dialogue instead of hate" was launched on 1 April 2020 and is in its pilot phase until 31 December 2020.


The project "dialogue instead of hate" helps the author to understand the legal limits of hate speech and freedom of expression, in order to avoid a relapse into recidivism. Through a respectful, flexible and motivated intervention on our part, we encourage the authors to analyse the motivations that led them to express themselves in this way and to reflect on the offence, as well as to learn how to use a more respectful form of communication.


The pioneer of this project is the Austrian non-profit association "Neustart", which was founded in 1957. During our visit to Vienna from 27th to 29th July, we had the opportunity to discuss with "Neustart" about their successful project, which exists since 2018. We drew some interesting ideas from this dialogue. Here, mutual trust, respect and an open attitude are very important, which inspired us.


The importance of an alternative to the administrative fine for "hate speech", particularly on the Internet, is indispensable and crucial, which is why the "dialogue instead of hate" project is intended to change the conception and acceptability of hate speech in our society.

« To do »

  • Showing open-mindedness
  • Finding a common language
  • Being flexible

« Not to do »

  • Not educating, but working together

Keywords : Training

Published on 05 October 2020
