en / fr



Activity sector : Teaching

Company category : Foundation, Non-profit, NGO



Description of the action

The Library/Media department set up a large collaborative thinking board between the Library and Media Centre to encourage the community to think about its response to Diversity/Thought/Action.


Our ATLs (Activators for Thinking and Learning) were developed through application to the post to encourage thinking and learning within the school community, developing a « Culture of Thinking » in the Lower School of ISL. Our aim is for us all, and particularly for our students to think deeply about a wide range of concepts, diversity being one of the core concepts explored throughout the school. Two years ago the Diversity Charter of Luxembourg, recognised our school, and celebrated at the Philharmonie, as a school that is signatory to the Diversity Charter, as one that promotes active thinking and action around the concept of « Diversity ».


We feel we begin to understand our role in making the UNSDGs our own, as fellow members of this humanity, and understand how do they relate to our school/home, community in Luxembourg, Europe and the rest of the world. We are global citizens with a global responsibility that begins here in Luxembourg.


We set up a large Thinking Board that covers over several meters long and wide, connecting our school centrally and invited the community to « See, Think, Wonder » about how a series of photographs that highlight diversity/inequality and address the fundamental principals of the UN SDGs, impacts our school community. We want to encourage students and community members to « see », « think deeply » and make some suggestions of how we are connected to what happens around us and figure out some ways we can have a positive impact to make a difference. Students are encouraged to add to the thinking of others (made visible on the wall) in response to three thought-provoking photographs. These changed over time during the last two years and have brought students, teachers, children and adults into thinking collectively and sharing their thoughts openly.


This impact of this collective can be seen in the actions students have taken, the way they approach new/novel situations and the open-minded approach they have to difference. We want to be an inclusive school in which all thinking is valued, evaluated and changed, adapted made richer and more powerful in order for us to improve the quality of life of all, not only ourselves and those like us.

« To do »

  • It would be interesting to contemplate thinking walls around the city/country in which Diversity was the subject of our thought and action.

« Not to do »

  • Find photographs that represent the diversity that exists in Luxembourg and questions the inequities that also live side by side in this rich nation.

Keywords : Organizational culture

Published on 01 November 2016
