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Training unconscious bias

Company name : IMS LUXEMBOURG

Activity sector : Administrative services and support activities

Company category : Foundation, Non-profit, NGO


Raise awareness, train and involve

Description of the action

Breaking down stereotypes and unconscious bias in the workplace


This training is part of the large list of training that IMS Luxembourg staff can follow.  


Training and creating awareness about the stereotypes and unconscious bias and their influence on the workplace.


Organise a three-hour dynamic workshop with an expert. The training consisted of a theoretical and practical section by Zoom.

IMS Luxembourg recorded the training so new colleagues can watch it.


It is too soon to measure the impact on daily life.
There was positive feedback after the training.

This training became a mandatory training for new employees.

« To do »

  • Create dynamic training using examples.
  • Save a copy of the training so new colleagues can be trained too.

« Not to do »

Create an unsafe and non-friendly environment during and after the training.

Keywords : Raise the top management's awareness

Published on 04 January 2023
