Description of the action
The Company has built and supported over years a “Diversity and Engagement” Team, to which every employee is welcome to take part, in order to have a group of people in charge of taking the initiative for fostering Diversity andinclusion.
The individual team members actively involve additional colleagues for specific initiatives to widen the awareness circle.
This was triggered by the corporate goal to enhance Diversity andinclusion throughout the Company, so that initiatives could be taken at the local level. The team and its activities are actively supported by management, human resources and communications.
Involve and engage employees and external communities:
• Organize in-house events such as support actions for external charities
• Take part in external actions in the framework of Diversity and Inclusion
All initiatives and related documentation are available on an Intranet page, and in the framework of specific initiates, ad-hoc “calls for action” are raised and published in the weekly newsletter.
The people involved in the “Diversity & Engagement Team” also meet regularly to keep the involvement and the awareness at a high level.
The feedback from colleagues related to the initiative is the main source of information to determine the impact.