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Diversit Day Buffer

D&I Celebration Week: Daily Diversity@LuxSE Diary and D&I focus session on the final day

Monday 17 May 2021



Luxembourg Stock Exchange

Description of the action

•Daily Diversity@LuxSE Diary (an internal newsletter in 4 editions running from Monday to Thursday) highlighting one diversity aspect per day (e.g.gender equality, LGBTQ, age diversity,religion orethnicity, or illustrate how and why diverse teams are more successful) •D&I internal focus session: a Zoom meeting on the final day (Friday) organized as a moderated brainstorming or sharing of views and ideas session, open to all: Participants shall share their views on what concrete steps LuxSE could take to improve Diversity &inclusion aspects •D&I awareness campaign on our corporate social media accounts building on the topics covered in our internal D&I celebration week
