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03 July 2024

Diversity and Inclusion Bingo by Société Générale

  • Description
  • Registration

Come and test the "Diversity Bingo", a tool created by Societe Generale Luxembourg, and recently awarded a Diversity Award in the Communication and values of the organisation category

As a change from more institutional awareness-raising approaches, Societe Generale has decided to create a more playful and collaborative activity. And there's nothing better than our grandparents' Bingo! 

The Diversity and Inclusion Bingo is 2 hours of healthy competition, divided into 3 rounds, with up to 50 participants! And for greater flexibility, and to adapt to new working methods, the game has been designed to be played digitally. 

Through this game, you can:

  • Raise awareness of diversity and inclusion, and get people talking about these issues, 
  • Highlight unconscious biases, 
  • Reinforce knowledge of our best practices,
  • Tackle diversity within your organisation 

On the agenda for this session:

  • Presentation of the game,
  • Test on a round,
  • Feedback, and questions and answers

And if you like the experience, the Societe Generale team is available to help other companies implement this practice!   

When? Tuesday, February 20th 2024 from 12:15pm to 1:30pm (lunch on site)
Where? At Société Générale / 18, Boulevard Royal / 2449 Ville-Haute Luxembourg
For who? All employees whose organisation is a signatory of the Diversity Charter

If you have any questions about this event, please contact priscilia.talbot@imslux.lu

In collaboration with

Photos will likely be taken at the event intended to be published by IMS Luxembourg in written or digital media. Please inform the host at the beginning of the event if you do not wish to be in the photos.
At the end of the event you will receive a certificate of attendance which you can provide to your HR department.
Online registration

* Mandatory fields
