
22 December 2024

DIVERSITY NETWORK: How to deal with violence at work?

  • Description

The Diversity Network is an opportunity to present practices implemented by companies that are signatories to the Charter on a given subject. In addition to testimonials, this meeting of Charter signatories allows participants to share their practices, challenges and questions on how to take diversity into account in the internal communication strategy.

How to deal with violence at work?

For this last Diversity Network of 2021, we will be looking at the theme of violence in the workplace. Violence can manifest itself in both physical and psychological ways. It is of course important that the company takes measures to limit its impact on employees.

The winning practice of the Diversity Awards 2021, the "Prevention of violence within the Robert Schuman Hospitals" aims to develop an institutional policy on the prevention of violence in the workplace. Karine Rollot, Director of Human Resources and Anne-Sophie Carbonell, Communications Officer, will be presenting the initiatives taken by the hospitals to combat violence in the hospital sector. We will also welcome Vincent Eggen, CEO of Pictet Technologies, who will present the measures put in place to measure psychological safety within his organisation.

A vast Q&A session will close this event.

When will it take place? December 7, 2021 from 2pm to 4pm / Registrations are now closed
Where? Via web-conference (Login details will be sent to registrants in due course)
For whom? This event is reserved for the signatories of the Diversity Charter.

Event in French.

We inform participants in our events that they may appear in photographs taken during the event. These are intended to be published in the written or digital media published by IMS Luxembourg.
