
Gender Diversity

Company name : SIX Financial Information Luxembourg S.A.

Activity sector : Financial and insurance activities

Company category : SME


Define a diversity policy

Description of the action

We  have reached our internal goals of 35% women in management positions and 37% of all senior roles are held by female staff members


In a predominantly male environment, we aimed to foster greater diversity andinclusion. We wanted to learn to collaborate effectively and value our differences. Additionally, we sought to introduce diverse perspectives and encourage a variety of discussions.


Our objective was to reach 35% of women in management


Over the last two years we have carefully implemented new diversity policies in our recruitment


Boosted Innovation and Productivity:gender diversity frequently results in more innovative ideas and improved decision-making. Teams with diverse members offer a range of perspectives, which can enhance creativity and problem-solving.

« To do »

When recruiting use gender-neutral language and avoid gendered terms that might discourage women from applying. For example, use “salesperson” instead of “salesman.”
Outline opportunities for career advancement and professional development. Women are more likely to apply if they see a clear path for growth and development.

« Not to do »

Unconscious Bias: Be mindful of unconscious bias in the job description. Phrases like “competitive environment” or “aggressive sales tactics” can be off-putting to some women. Instead, use language that emphasizes collaboration and teamwork.
Make sure the benefits you emphasize are inclusive. For instance, don’t just focus on benefits that might traditionally attract men, like gym memberships. Also highlight benefits that might appeal to women, such as flexible working hours or parental leave.

Keywords : Indicators/Evaluation

Published on 05 December 2024
