

Company name : CNRFR - REHAZENTER

Activity sector : Health and social work

Company category : Public sector


Raise awareness, train and involve

Description of the action

Training of REHAZENTER managers in intergenerational management in order to enrich the management approach.


The evolution of the age pyramid and the taking into account of the management elements to be improved in order to maintain the good practice of our management in the diversity of ages.


  • Maintain excellent intergenerational relationships in teams.


Training to evolve.


At the end of the training, it appears that the impact on daily practice is rated at 3.5 out of 5 on the training evaluation scale.

« To do »

  • Maintain team harmonization and good intergenerational communication.

« Not to do »

  • Discriminate on the basis of age.

Keywords : Organizational culture
