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Multigenerational Speed Dating


Activity sector : Financial and insurance activities

Company category : Large company


Raise awareness, train and involve

Description of the action

Multigenerational Speed Dating Lunch: 1,5 hours, 10 tables, one question per table (e.g. How do you use the social media ?). 2 people per table (representing the generations Gen Y and Baby boomers). 5 minutes of discussion, then one person changes the table to ensure that all participants will talk with as many people as possible. Serve a light lunch (e.g. sandwiches, drinks, fruit) to break the ice just before starting the action and while explaining it once more.

Next step: Two groups (Gen Y/Baby boomers) get together in separate meetings to discuss what had surprised them, what they have learned and if the discussions corresponded to their expectations or not (and why). All results are noted on a flipchart and presented to the other group in a common meeting. The Speed Dating was organized in a transversal manner across all departments.


Cooperation of multi generations at work.


  •  To break down prejudice
  •  To learn from each other


In 2020, 5 different generations will be working together. Each generation has its own vision of the world, different objectives, cultural origins, life influences and behaviors, which may create opportunities as well as threats for companies. What we need is a “generational intelligence”.


Signs of success: 

Internal: Feedback from different generations, better understanding for each other’s needs, possibility for internal communication, helps to break downprejudice.

External: Positioning on the market by multi generation communication.

« To do »

  • Communicate thoroughly before organizing the speed dating. 
  • Have small awareness sessions in the different departments (e.g. at their weekly briefings) explaining the background, the objectives, the why and how and to answer questions. We also published the presentation held at the weekly meetings on the intranet and we send personal invitations to the participants.

« Not to do »

  • Do not force anybody to participate, do not push anybody who does not feel comfortable doing this.

Keywords : Organizational culture

Published on 28 September 2016
