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Valeurs et Diffusion : Stratégie ludique déployée par RH Expert

Company name : RH EXPERT

Activity sector : Administrative services and support activities

Company category : SME


Raise awareness, train and involve

Description of the action

For its 5th anniversary, in September 2015, RH EXPERT wished to formalise its values and communicate them internally.

To do so, it organised an outdoor treasure hunt, which led employees to discover clues allowing them to formalise the 7 values of the company: CHICFIT

  • Confidentiality
  • Humility
  • Involvement
  • Competence
  • Folie
  • Innovation
  • Tolerance

Thus, it has decided to put its employees at the heart of its history and strategy.


RH EXPERT is a company that integrates a multidisciplinary, multi-generational and multicultural team.

Diversity management is therefore an important issue for the company, which considers it as a real lever for action and performance.

Diversity is an integral part of its corporate strategy.


The main objective is to unite and engage employees around common values, to offer a pillar for management.

However, this practice has made employees aware that intergroup diversity must be considered as a real asset, and that it should be exploited on a daily basis.


For this purpose, teams have been created, mixing the different poles of activities, genders and ages.

Each team had a roadmap, allowing them to guide them throughout their journey. This activity required reflection, cohesion and sharing of ideas in order to decode 7 words representing the 7 values of society.

Team spirit was strengthened, encouraging employees to rely more on each other, to develop and use team tactics, and to support each other when morale was low.

Once the game was over, management wanted to compare everyone's opinions and representations in order to gradually arrive at a common and shared vision of the company's seven key values.


D'une part, cette pratique ludique a permis de renforcer la cohésion de groupe et la communication en interne. En effet, la réussite de chaque équipe a reposé sur la solidarité et l'entre-aide parmi les membres des groupes.

D'autre part, le fait d'être acteur dans la découverte des valeurs a permis aux salariés de se sentir impliqué. Leur intégration est facilitée car chacun a pu se les approprier à leur façon et à leur rythme.

Enfin, les échanges et l'atteinte d'une vision commune ont permis de montrer le positionnement de la direction et la fermeté de leur engagement.

« To do »

  • The formalization of values must be based on the history of the company and its strategy;
  • Limit the number of values between 5 and 9 at most to facilitate their memorization and their appropriation by the collaborators (CF. the magic number seven, more or less two; Miller 1956);
  • Involve employees in the evolution of the company culture: make them aware of and involve them in the company's values.

« Not to do »

  • Formalize values in vogue, stay in the "mode" effect;
  • Develop the company's image around values, to the detriment of company cohesion.

Keywords : Organizational culture

Published on 11 November 2016
