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Diversit Day Buffer

Be your whole self

jeudi 12 mai 2022


Our office and online


Description de l'action

This year we want to link the Diversity Day with the Mental Health Awareness week and focus our the day on being "our whole self", with all the diverse aspects of our beings. Our gender, our family/marital status, our personality traits, sexual orientation, illness/disability, anything that defines us... and to encourage everyone to bring everything at work! 1. At 9:30, our local management will hold an introduction webinar to kick off the day, announce the program on Diversity &inclusion, our commitment, our actions, the theme of the day and why it's important, and concrete tools available to people. 2. Around lunchtime we will hold two workshops (one live, one online) around "Be your whole self" to accompany people in identifying what composes their whole self and why it is important that they bring these with them. 3.During lunchtime we want to share comfort food either by having employees bring their homemade comfort food to share with colleagues or by having a food truck in the office (still to be decided) 4. At 4pm, we'll have a webinar with a keynote speaker, someone who will speak about their experience with mental health and ways to overcome it. This will be followed by a Q&A session.
