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Diversit Day Buffer

Diversity Day 2021

jeudi 20 mai 2021


HITEC Luxembourg S.A. (49 rue du Baerendall, L-8212 Mamer)

HITEC Luxembourg S.A.

Description de l'action

Diversity is a key strength of HITEC Luxembourg S.A. and is not limited to a single field ofnon-discrimination. In the context of the Diversity Day 2021 we have developed a program focused on 2 topics: •LGBTIQ+ and diversity - opportunities for companies, animated by Tom Hecker, President of Rosa Lëtzebuerg. •History ofmigration in Luxembourg, overview of the current situation and future challenges for Luxembourg animated by ASTI These events will be organized for our employees both in person and remotely in order to respect the hygiene rules in application.
