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Diversit Day Buffer


mercredi 10 mai 2017


1. Virtual - through the internet using social media sites to reach a wide and diverse segment of the population. Direct target organisations through email to solicit support for distribution of the campaign throughout their networks.

Time For Equality a.s.b.l.

Description de l'action

Luxembourg For Freedom is a community-based campaign initiated by Time for Equality to support ILO's 50ForFreedom movement to end human trafficking and modern slavery.
The benefits of diversity will come from all sectors of society working together to build a sustainable inclusive society. It is through respect of human rights, dignity and freedom, that our society will realise the full potential of diversity.
21 million children, women & men live in slavery-like conditions worldwide. Modern slavery is happening everywhere, a huge business that generates annually $150 billion illegal profits, disrupting people's lives, the economy and whole society.
It affects Luxembourg too, as highlighted in the recent 1st human trafficking report by the Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CCDH).
With “Luxembourg For Freedom” we are asking for members of our community to get involved by signing up to support and ask the Luxembourg government to ratify ILO's Protocol on Forced Labour.
42 people signed up until now in Lux. Sign up on Diversity Day, let's become 4200 supporters by end of the year.

Future events planned to raise awareness and create a forum for debate.
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Twitter @timeforequality for updates & details of upcoming events
