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Diversit Day Buffer


mercredi 15 mai 2019


37 Avenue John F. Kennedy, 1855 Luxembourg, Luksemburg

Franklin Templeton and DLA Piper

Description de l'action

They decided to cooperate to propose a common event for the whole building to raise awareness.

Several events will be proposed for Diversity Day around the theme of "multiculturalism".

- Photo exhibition on the theme "Respect", held the whole day in the lobby of the building. The photos are on loan from the association "MEC", a movement for equal opportunities. The goal is to make employees aware of the association's actions and the Diversity Day.

- Workshop on emotional intelligence: mixing employees of both companies. This training raises overall awareness about emotional intelligence within participants.

Emotional Intelligence has numerous aspects associated with personal and social competences. The first and very important step towards emotional intelligence is SELF-AWARENESS (emotional awareness, self-assessment, and self-confidence). Profound self-awareness gives human beings the opportunity to better understand others and build meaningful relationships, for moreinclusion of the diversity.

- Release of balloons after lunch break (biodegradable): each employee will be asked to write a word or sentence about diversity. All these messages will be recorded on a board, and also hung on a balloon, which will all be thrown into the sky by the employees.

- Yoga session: held in the courtyard at 6pm, bringing everyone together, including the neighboring offices.
