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Coffee and talk with the CEO

Nom de l'entreprise : Banque Havilland S.A.

Secteur d'activité : Activités financières et d'assurance

Catégorie de l'entreprise : PME


Sensibiliser, former et impliquer

Description de l'action

We are organizing during the year an 1 hour meeting with the CEO called "Coffee and talk with the CEO"


A terrific way to foster connection,inclusion, and mattering in our bank is for the CEO to have coffee with small groups of cross-functional employees on a regular basis.


The spirit of this CEO Coffee and Talk is to spend an hour with the CEO talking about everyone’s experiences at the bank, helping everyone get to know one another, and helping everyone see the humanity of the CEO.


We have organized so far 6 sessions and around 50% of our employees Group wide have participated We are in total around 190.


We consider that the connection that comes from these "Coffee and talks" increases employee engagement, sharing new ideas and initiatives and getting to know one another better.

« A faire »

To organize it well in advance and book it accordingly in the CEO's agenda and the employees' agenda so that nobody is in a rush.
ask employees to prepare 1-2 questions in advance to avoid that only the CEO is the one talking

« Ne pas faire »


Mots-clés : Communication

Publié le 09 août 2023
