Nom de l'entreprise : John Deere Bank S.A.
Secteur d'activité : Activités financières et d'assurance
Catégorie de l'entreprise : PME
Description de l'action
John Deere Bank has introduced a diversity charter to encourage managers on best practices for talent acquisition - when it comes to recruitment or promotion, target is all the employees. It has been introduced in fiscal year 2024 which starts in November 2023 for us.
Managers have to commit themselves to considering the following actions when hiring: Consider applicants from diverse educational backgrounds, on top of the academic background managers will have to consider job and life experience, consider willingness to learn, have a diverse panel for interview process with managers outside of the recruiting department, use inclusive language and eliminate bias in job postings, have in the final candidates selection a diverse pool of talents, open full-time position for part-time to share and co-leadership opportunities, promote job swap.
Our core business is industrial; as a result, we tend to attract more male talent. Furthermore, managers were tending to hire similar profiles. By implementing this diversity charter, we aim to encourage every manager to think differently when considering candidates by taking into account individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences, and to avoid bias during interviews.
The goal is to have a more diverse team to boost creativity and innovation. We have created a better visibility on the recruitment process and give more chance to unusual candidates.
This practice is now working on an ongoing basis, our senior leadership team has signed the charter and make sure that managers are applying it. HR is coordinating.
Strengthen team competencies with different skills, attract new talents, enhance collaboration, improve efficiency
« A faire »
Put in place some control to be sure that there is an alignment amongst the team and that everyone is trained
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Make exceptions !