

Nom de l'entreprise : KPMG LUXEMBOURG S.À R.L

Secteur d'activité : Activités de services administratifs et de soutien

Catégorie de l'entreprise : Grande Entreprise


Sensibiliser, former et impliquer

Description de l'action

1. Workshops for KPMG Employees, refugees and children from local schools to learn and engage in skills needed for the workforce beginning with basic programming languages and logic.

2. Establishing ongoing program “KPMG Coffee” for staff to help refugees weekly in French language sessions and homework sessions youth. 

3. Trainings for awareness for employees on the needs of refugees and how to interact and make them feel welcome


At KPMG, we believe that education and lifelong learning are crucial for building strong communities and economies and for promoting diversity. We champion a diverse pool of internal and external talent and empower individuals to advance their education and careers so as to unlock their potential. As a firm, we have over 60 nationalities and hundreds of new joiners each year. The diversity of our workforce is one of its most important strengths, bringing communities and experiences together from all around the world. 

For most refugees, learning a new language is the biggest challenge to finding a job, creating a network, and feeling at home. This is why, as part of our commitment to education and diversity, our initiative focuses on languages.


  • Collaborating with local organizations yearly for activities during Codeweek.EU focused on different minority groups to offer an opportunity to reach skills relevant for the workforce today.
  • Ongoing program “KPMG Coffee” and quarterly awareness trainings offered to all KPMG staff on refugee situation in Luxembourg and their needs.
  • To encourage refugee integration thought the global KPMG network by offering a platform for refugees to talk about their career aspirations and experience and for KPMG staff to hear their stories, fostering greater understanding and reducing discrimination.


These activities are initiated on an ongoing basis achieved through collaboration between different organizations in Luxembourg addressing the challenges of underrepresented groups and encouragement and awareness to our  staff to be an active Corporate Citizens and to participate in reducing inequalities in todays workforce.


  • We gave 60 KPMG Employees and 10 refugees who have never had experience with these topics the tools for up to 1200 hours in education to learn new skills. We showed people from almost all generations and backgrounds that they can learn from another, challenging the hurdles of ageism, sexism, and discrimination by hosting workshops lead by women of all generations in technology.
  • We have established a welcoming relationship and network of support over 244 hours of time given from our staff voluntarily in 2018 to help refugees with integration challenges through French language roundtables.
  • 100 adults and children received certificates of completion for their coding workshop.
  • Staff were sensitized by training or communication on the needs for refugee integration.

« A faire »

  • Focus on acheiving inclusion and think of diversity as a measure of your succes
  • Awareness trainings
  • Create a volunteering policy that encourages participation
  • Communicate an inclusive culture to staff

« Ne pas faire »

  • Think of Diversity as only nationality or gender

Mots-clés : Accueil et socialisation

Publié le 01 novembre 2018
