
Diversity Around Food

Nom de l'entreprise : LENELIFE

Secteur d'activité : Autres

Catégorie de l'entreprise : PME



Description de l'action

Communication about the diversity of food based on cultures and personal beliefs.


Communicating internally and externally on the diversity of food and the importance of a balanced living between cultures and people accepting differences in beliefs.


Creating a balance understanding between cultures and people accepting and respecting differences in beliefs.

« A faire »

  • Menu's
  • Blogging, Newsletter, Training/ workshop

« Ne pas faire »

  • Not to push people into acceptance as this will lead to frustration, however create awareness and understanding step by step, as some people are more willing to accept than others. A pushy approach can lead to heated discussions and frustration which creates blockades.

Mots-clés : Communication

Publié le 01 novembre 2016
