
Set up of a D&I committee

Nom de l'entreprise : HDIC Consulting

Secteur d'activité : Activités financières et d'assurance

Catégorie de l'entreprise : PME


Définir une politique diversité

Description de l'action

In order to promote and act in favor of D&I, the Company decided to create a dedicated committee, open to any employee or manager interested to be a member.


Our Company always valued D&I and acted in that way at every level, but without putting in place dedicaded pratices or events.


Put in place practices, share values, take concrete actions in favor of D&I, raise awereness internally and include any member of the Company that would like to participate in every possible way.


A first D&I breakfast was organized to discuss about the topic and collect ideas to progress in our commitment to Diversity andinclusion. It led to the will to create a committee to the follow-up of the proposed actions, promote them and define an agenda.


7 collaborators are engaged within the D&I committee, building synergy, sharing experiences and point of views, allowing the determination of 6 practices to put in place and collecting relevant contacts to act internally and externally.

« A faire »

Internal D&I assessment, definition of objectives and agenda.

« Ne pas faire »

Limit the access and participation to the members of the commitee only, not to share all the informations and evolutions, not taking into account every opinion regarding past and future actions.

Mots-clés : Plan de gestion de la diversité

Publié le 04 juin 2024
