Subscribe to the Charter
Join us for a presentation of our new e-learning training on diversity management. This comprehensive and in-depth tool supports the signatories of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg in building an impa...
This event is sold out. To kick off 2025, the Diversity Charter invites you to participate in the presentation of this year program and the Diversity Day preparation workshop. ...
Join us for an interactive and instructive moment and contribute to furthering inclusion! This event is organised by the autonomous working group ‘LGBTQIA+ inclusion’, set up by the Diversity Charter ...
The Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter and B Corp offer a unique experience: try out a giant version of the ‘Let's Play Equal’ game. Known as "the most unfair game in the world and created in 20...
The Diversity Network is an opportunity to present practices implemented by organisations that have signed the Charter on a given subject. For this third meeting, the Autonomous Work...
The Diversity Charter is managed by IMS Luxembourg. Some events, like this one, are also open to Charter signatories. So make the most of it! As part of the Pact for Nature “Fo...
Have you already set up inclusion initiatives within your organisation and are looking to broaden your societal impact? Have you heard of IMS Luxembourg, but would like to find out more about its acti...
Already one month has passed since you signed the Diversity Charter. Have you explored all the opportunities it offers to your organisation? From events and publications to trainings and networking, t...
Change starts within In 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) gave us a comprehensive plan for a sustainable world by 2030 in the form of 17 goals, covering a wide range of issues ...
In 2024, for the tenth consecutive year, all organisations in Luxembourg, whether they are signatories of the Diversity Charter or not, are invited to act for diversity and celebrate the national dive...
Be part of the 14th official signing ceremony of the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter! This ceremony is an opportunity to welcome new signatories, get invaluable advice from organisations comm...
As part of their commitments, signatories to the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter must report on their diversity management practices once every three years by completing a questionnaire. The data collect...
The Diversity Network is an opportunity to present practices implemented by organisations that have signed the Charter on a given subject. For this second Diversity Network, the Diversity...
Should LGBTIQ+ equality be a business priority? How can companies support and grow LGBTIQ+ businesses and what is the role of LGBTIQ+ inclusion in ESG Strategies? Join us for an insightfu...
The Diversity Network is an opportunity to present practices implemented by organisations that have signed the Charter on a given subject. To start 2024, the Diversity Charter invites you...
Come and test the "Diversity Bingo", a tool created by Societe Generale Luxembourg, and recently awarded a Diversity Award in the Communication and values of the organisation category. ...
To kick off 2024, the Diversity Charter invites you to participate in the presentation of this year programme and the Diversity Day preparation workshop. This event will start with a prese...
Launch of the European Diversity Barometer Join us for an inspiring roundtable exploring diversity management in organisations across the European Union, and discover the keys to implement...
The Diversity Network is an opportunity to present practices implemented by organisations that have signed the Charter on a given subject. For this fifth Diversity Network, we will f...
The Diversity Network is an opportunity to present practices implemented by organisations that have signed the Charter on a given subject. For this fourth Diversity Network, we will ...
How do employees perceive your disability inclusion policy? Do they feel in an inclusive company? What do they think of disability? To work on these questions, IMS Luxembourg is launching the Handi...
Since 2015, the Diversity Awards has promoted diversity and combated all types of discrimination within organisations. This award aims to highlight and reward best practices in diversity management an...
The Diversité & Enterprise Barometer Lëtzebuerg (2021) confirmed that 73% of the Charter signatories’ implementation of a diversity policy is considered as a "top/down" decision (originated from the C...
What is neurodiversity and how can we talk about it within the organisation? What are the challenges a neuroatypical person face? What are the good practices? Without doubt, this conference will be a ...
The event is now sold out. The Diversity Network is an opportunity to present practices implemented by organisations that have signed the Charter on a given subject. For ...
How do employees perceive your disability inclusion policy? Do they feel in an inclusive company? What do they think of disability? To work on these questions, IMS Luxembourg is launching ...
When it comes to disability, among the best practices to share, there is the practice of “asking for help” from professionals. This event aims to introduce you to several of these inclusio...
In 2023, for the ninth consecutive year, all organisations in Luxembourg, whether they are signatories of the Diversity Charter or not, are invited to act for diversity and celebrate the national dive...
This ceremony will welcome the new signatories, present the work accomplished during the year 2022-2023 and announce new initiatives the Diversity Charter is leading! Programme: Wel...
The Diversity Network is an opportunity to present practices implemented by organisations that have signed the Charter on a given subject. For this second Diversity Network, we will ...
The Diversity Network is an opportunity to present practices implemented by organisations that have signed the Charter on a given subject. To start 2023, the Diversity Charter invites you...
Handi-Diag: a new assessment tool for employers, on disability topic Is your company interested in the theme of disability and wondering about the maturity of its practices? Do you want to...
At the end of 2022, the Diversity Charter, Cog'x and the City of Luxembourg organised three pilot workshops of the new tool "The Inclusion Fresco". At the end of each session, participants were invite...
Does the corporate façade match the reality for LGBTQIA+ equal opportunities? IMS Luxembourg in collaboration with Rosa Lëtzebuerg, HSBC, JP Morgan, PwC, RBC and Schroders is pleased to in...
To kick off 2023, the Diversity Charter invites you to participate in the presentation of this year programme and the Diversity Day preparation workshop. This event will start with a prese...
The universe of gender, race, LGBTI and much more Working on Diversity often focuses on differences and creates separate approaches. This can easily multiply in an international context wh...
In collaboration with Cog'X, the Diversity Charter and the City of Luxembourg, IMS Luxembourg is pleased to invite you to a pilot session of the newly created Inclusion Fresco. Like...
The Diversity Network is an opportunity to present practices implemented by companies that have signed the Charter on a given subject. For this third Diversity Network, we will focus on a...
Building bridges The Diversity Network is an opportunity to present practices implemented by companies that have signed the Charter on a given subject. This second Diversity N...
INCLUSION OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES (PWD) IN WORKPLACES:HOW MATURE ARE YOU? Is your company interested in disability and wondering about the maturity of its practices? In 20...
For the Diversity Month, spent a moment in immersion and come to visit a Sheltered Workshop. The mission of sheltered workshops is to hire people with disabilities, but also to produce goods and se...
Towards an inclusive workplace Debate, best practices, and megatrends: come and celebrate with us the 10th anniversary of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg! This festive ...
In 2022, for the eighth consecutive year, all organizations in Luxembourg, whether they are signatories of the Diversity Charter or not, are invited to act for diversity and celebrate the national div...
For its 8th edition, the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg will coordinate Diversity Day 2022 and calls upon every interested organisation to participate in this national day of diversity. In order to i...
Diversity, values and communication The Diversity Network is an opportunity to present practices implemented by companies that have signed the Charter on a given subject. This first Di...
This training course is intended for all employees and aims to explain the responsibility of companies in terms of human rights and the concept of duty of vigilance. It enables learners to understand ...
The Diversity Network is an opportunity to present practices implemented by companies that are signatories to the Charter on a given subject. In addition to testimonials, this meeting of Charter signa...
Your company is looking for practical solutions on Handicap in the workplace, attend our workshop to discover two ideas of action: when hiring a person with a disability, have the reflex to call...
For the 11th time in 9 years, organisations wishing to formalise their commitment to the promotion and management of diversity are invited to officially sign the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter. &n...
A fireside chat with the local CEOs of HSBC, JPMorgan, PwC, Vodafone to share their personal experiences and journeys on LGBT+ inclusion C-Level conversation to provide key insights int...
In 2021, for the seventh consecutive year, all organizations in Luxembourg, whether they are signatories of the Diversity Charter or not, are invited to act for diversity and celebrate the national di...
The Diversity Awards, organized every two years since 2015 at the close of Diversity Day, seek to highlight best practices in terms of diversity management in 4 distinct categories: Recr...
Each year, the official signing session allows to welcome the new signatories of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg in presence of the Minister for Family and Integration and patron of the Diversity Cha...
For its 7th edition, the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg will coordinate Diversity Day 2021 and calls upon every interested organisation to participate in this national day of diversity. In order t...
Faced with the new challenges facing purchasing professionals, IMS Luxembourg gives you the opportunity to meet in a setting of privileged exchange and sharing between peers and offers you tools and c...
The Diversity Network makes it possible to present practices implemented by companies that have signed the Charter on a given subject. This meeting of the signatories of the Charter allows, beyond the...
The Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg has the pleasure to invite you to its fourth (Handi)Cap'Emploi workshop on November 26, 2020 from 10am to 12pm This working group is open to IM...
Come and attend the presentation of the brand new project of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg! An initiative in the continuity of the Migration to Employment project, the MATCH project aims to provide...
In 2018 et 2019, more than 20 organisations contributed to the design of solutions and initiatives in favour of LGBT+ inclusion in the workplace during collaborative workshops organised by IMS. The am...
The Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg is pleased to invite you to its third workshop (Handi)Cap'Emploi on November 10, 2020 from 2 to 4 p.m. This working group is open to IMS members as w...
The Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg is pleased to invite you to its second (Handi)Cap' Emploi workshop on October 21, 2020 from 10am to 12pm After a short inventory of the current state of af...
The Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg is pleased to invite you to its first (Handi)Cap' Emploi workshop on October 14, 2020 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. This first workshop aims to presen...
Usually reserved for signatories of the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter, this workshop will be open to all. This Diversity Network presents practices implemented by companies on a given subject. This mee...
For the 10th time in 8 years, the organisations that would like to make their commitment towards diversity and diversity management public, are invited to officially sign the Diversity Charter Lëtzebu...
In 2020, for the sixth year in a row, all organizations in Luxembourg, whether signatories of the Diversity Charter or not, are invited to act for diversity and celebrate National Diversity Day with u...
The Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg is organising a kickoff session of the (Handi)Cap'Emploi project for 2020-2021, during which we will present the project's agenda for the coming months and invite you ...
In February 2019 was organised the first part of the training course "Human Rights: From Risk to Opportunity". IMS Luxembourg, through the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg, invite you today to complete th...
Last month, the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg conducted a series of interviews with Luxembourg organizations, both signatories and non-signatories of the Charter, in order to learn more about the measu...
For the second webinar of its "Covid-19 & Diversity" series, the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg looks at the Luxembourg and Belgian financial sectors and their diversity management methods. How do...
Join us at the first Diversity Network of 2020 on the theme of Intersectionality and Covid-19! Why include an intersectional analysis in your crisis strategy? Which groups of employees ar...
For its 6th edition, the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter is coordination the Diversity Day 2020 once again and calls upon every interested organisation to participate in this national day of diversity. ...
Internal communication is an essential element in making your commitment to diversity known to your employees at all stages of your responsibility. Targeted and successful diversity communication can ...
Launch of the e-book IMS Luxembourg has the pleasure to invite you to its 8 and last (Handi)Cap Emploi workshop during which an e-book retracing the working group’s work will also be presente...
SAVE THE DATE Work/Life balance in practice Study visit from the Polish and Dutch Diversity Charters to Luxembourg 28 & 29 October 2019 Collaborators’ wellbeing is at the forefront of b...
SAVE THE DATE Work/Life balance in practice Study visit from the Polish and Dutch Diversity Charters to Luxembourg 28 & 29 October 2019 Collaborators’ wellbeing is at the forefront of busine...
A successful diversity management necessarily involves raising awareness and commitment among managers, both in top management and in middle management. Field managers, as closest to the teams, are th...
Partners for LGBT+ inclusion In 2018 et 2019, more than 20 organisations contributed to the design of solutions and initiatives in favour of LGBT+ inclusion in the workplace during collabor...
Partners for LGBT+ inclusion In 2018 et 2019, more than 20 organisations contributed to the design of solutions and initiatives in favour of LGBT+ inclusion in the workplace during collaborative wo...
For the 9th time in 7 years, the organisations that would like to make their commitment towards diversity and diversity management public, are invited to officially sign the Divesity Charter Lëtzebuer...
The starting point for a successful diversity management policy is a common definition of diversity and the conviction of top management, which will make it possible to integrate diversity in the...
Sustainable purchasing and the circular economy Faced with the new challenges faced by purchasing professionals, IMS Luxembourg gives you the opportunity to meet in a framework of exchange and priv...
On 15 May, the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter Committee will present the Diversity Awards for the third time, in the presence of Mrs Corinne Cahen, Minister for Family and Integration and sponsor of the...
In 2019, for the fifth year in a row, all organizations in Luxembourg, whether signatories to the Diversity Charter or not, are invited to Act for Diversity and celebrate National Diversity Day with u...